Option I

Bayou Bounty Hunters Membership Only

(Made payable to Bayou Bounty Hunters)

New Members

Individual or Family $50.00*

*Prorated at $5 a month for those who join in March or after.

Membership Renewal

(Renew date every January)

Individual or Family $ 35.00

Match fee $10 per match


Option II

Joint Membership to BBH & Florida Parishes Skeet & Gun Assoc.

(Made payable to Florida Parishes Skeet & Gun Association)

Annual Membership Dues

(Renew date every January)

Individual or Family $200

Match fee $5 per match

You can pay these dues to Dusty Sometimes at the monthly shoot, or you can mail it to him at the following address: Kevin Bodden, PO Box 674,Watson, LA. 70786


Please Note: Membership in both clubs (Option II) allows you to enjoy range privileges at times other than during normal monthly matches. Range privileges include shooting seven days a week on the cowboy range, skeet shooting on Wednesday, Saturdays and Sundays and use of camping facilities. (Option I membership to the Bayou Bounty Hunters allows you shooting privileges on scheduled match days only.)


Member Shooting Fees:

Florida Parish Skeet Club / Bayou Bounty Member - $5.00

Bayou Bounty Hunter Member - $10.00

Family Maximum - $20.00

Non-Member Fees:

Individual $15.00

Family Maximum - $30.00

(Juniors, age 16 and under, shoot free when accompanied by a participating parent or guardian.)

All new shooters will need to review the New shooter Orientation form prior to your scheduled Orientation.

Please click the button below to download it.