Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — September/October 2010 Edition

Text Box:

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

Scroll Down to read about….


Top Shooters—Sept & Oct

Clean Stages—Sept & Oct

New Shooters & Members

Hangin’ At Coyote Creek

Mounted Shooting

Chronicle Articles

Welcome  New  Members!

“Da Stranger”  aka  Frank Willoz

“Fairshake”  aka  David Shultz


Welcome  New  Shooter!

“Hard Times”  aka  Chris Tatar

Text Box: Clean Stages – September Match
Capt. Billy Blackhorse
Rattlesnake Blake
Four Clean Stages
Boothill Coyote
Macon A. Longshot
Tobin Kid
Three Clean Stages
Big John Blackhawk
Cameo Rose
Crazy Emmitt
Foard County News
Goofus Macooter
Kistachie Moon
Clean Stages – October Match
Crazy Emmitt
Four Clean Stages
Crunch Hardtack
Louisiana Cuz
Three Clean Stages
Beer Belly John
Blackwater Jack
Cap’n Dan
Doc Spudley
Foard County News
Rattlesnake Blake


SASS and the Bayou Bounty Hunters




Southwest  Territorial

Black  Powder  Shootout

(Black Powder and Smokeless Categories Available)


Hangin’ at Coyote Creek  -  2010

Nov. 12, 13, 14

Flyer/Registration < click


Text Box: SASS 2010 Territorial Governor’s Summit Agenda
from Rattlesnake Blake
Bayou Bounty Hunters:  Your response to the following agenda items for the summit in December is very important.  My position at the TG summer is to represent the voice of our club.  Therefore, please review the following items and let me know what your position is so that I can represent the view of our club.
1. Should we eliminate the 10-second minor safety penalty for overloading a RIFLE?
	This will do away with the double penalty for overloading a rifle at the loading table and then leaving the extra live round(s) in the long gun. Penalties for leaving unfired rounds in the rifle would still apply, but, if a shooter overloaded the rifle, they could clear it within the current rules and not be charged a penalty. This rule change would not make the rifle any less safe.  Note this only applies to a rifle and NOT to a revolver or shotgun.  Should the following Minor Safety Penalty be deleted?  Loading more than the correct number of live rounds in a firearm.
2. Should we change the rule regarding empties left on the carrier or in the chamber of a long gun? 
	An unfired round in the chamber would continue to carry a StageDisqualification penalty and an unfired round anywhere else in the action or magazine a 10 second minor safety. This change would eliminate all penalties for EMPTY rounds in the chamber or action of long guns.
Should the MSV penalty for leaving an EMPTY case/hull in a long gun be
3. Should we create the new sanctioned shooting category “Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter”? 
	The category would follow the firearm and ammo guidelines of the current “Frontier Cartridge” category and follow the shooting style and holster requirements of thecurrent “Gunfighter” Category.  The main reason to add FCGF to the list of "officially recognized" categories is it brings the blackpowder categories up to par with the smokeless ones in regard to available shooting styles.  Smokeless = Open/age-based (two-handed); Duelist/Senior Duelist/Classic (onehanded); Gunfighter/B-Western (both hands); Blackpowder = Frontier Ctg (two-handed); Frontiersman/Frontier Cartridge Duelist (onehanded); Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter (both hands)
4. The Burgess Rifle is a SASS legal firearm. It was patented in 1882.
Should the rifle regulations for B-Western be changed as follows to allow the
earliest rifle to be from 1880 instead of present 1884?  Rifles: Any SASS–legal rifle of 1880 or later design or a replica thereof (e.g., Burgess, Lightning, 1892, 1894
Winchester or Marlin).
	1) Multiple alias entries by the same individual at the SASS-sanctioned (State and 	         above) level.
	2) Mares Leg handgun as a main match firearm.
	3) Category restructuring ideas.
Text Box: Top Shooters  -  Sept. Match
49’er Class
	Copperhead Charlie
	Duke City Deadeye
	Dusty Mann
	Macon A. Longshot
	Hard Times
	James Henry Parker
	Tobin Kid
	Cole Trigger	
Elder Statesman
	Louisiana Cuz
	Old Paul
	Kentucky Tom
	Crazy Emmitt
Lady Forty Niner
	Runnin Rose
	Mountain Laurel
	Dixie Deadeye	
Lady Frontier Cartridge
	Cameo Rose
Lady Wrangler
	Concho Pearl
	Steele Magnolia
	Gringo Ben
	Cap’n Dan	
	Big John Blackhawk
Senior Duelist
	Rattlesnake Blake
	Doc Spudley
Silver Senior
	Capt. Billy Blackhorse
	Coyote Jack	
	El Zopilote Mojado	
	Goofus Macooter
	Dakota Steele
	Parson Delacroix
	Kalico Keeve
Top Cowboy Shooter 
Parson Delacroix
Top Cowgirl Shooter
Concho Pearl
Text Box: Top Shooters  -  Oct. 
49’er Class
	Duke City Deadeye
	Big Dawg Daddy
	Crescent City Kid
Classic Cowboy
	Blackwater Jack
	Foard County News
	Beer Belly John
	Cicero Grimes
Elder Statesman
	Louisiana Cuz
	El Otro Doc
Frontier Cartridge
	Reload Don
Frontier Cartridge Duelist
	Cajun Ace
Gun Fighter
	Crazy Emmitt
	Boothill Coyote
Junior Girl
	Confederate Rose
Lady Forty-Niner
	Mountain Laurel
	Sassy Schoolmarm
Lady Frontier Cartridge
	Cameo Rose
Lady Traditional
	Bayou Blessings
	Sassy Schoolmarm
Lady Wrangler
	Apache Belle
	Steele Magnolia
	Big John Blackhawk
	Diamondback Mac
	Soiled Dove
	Cap’n Dan
	Big John Blackhawk
Senior Duelist
	Rattlesnake Blake
	Doc Spudley
Silver Senior
	Pine Ridge Charlie
	El Zopilote Mojado
	Parson Delacroix
	Dakota Steele
	Devil Dawg
Top Cowboy Shooter
Parson Delacroix
Top Cowgirl Shooter
Soiled Dove
Text Box: Hangin’ at Coyote Creek
	If you have not already done so, you can still register for Hangin’ at Coyote Creek.  Registration information is available on the club website.  
	Vendors will be on hand at the range for your cowboy shopping needs.  Side matches are on Friday and the main match will be shot Sat. & Sun.  A delicious banquet is planned for Sat. evening at Lyn Haven in Hammond.  (You do not need to be a registered shooter to attend the banquet.  Contact Soiled Dove for a reservation.)  Guns and other items will be raffled at the banquet and everyone attending can participate in the raffle.
Text Box: Mounted Cowboy Action Shooting  
	What is SASS Mounted Shooting?  Think of a cowboy or cowgirl atop a 1,200 pound horse, six guns a blazing while galloping through a patterned course of fire, and you may get the mental image of a cowboy action mounted shooter. SASS mounted shooting is one of the nation's fastest growing equestrian sports and is a direct spin-off of Cowboy Action Shooting.
Mounted Cowboy Action Shooting is coming to Coyote Creek.  This is an exciting  sport that combines elements of old-time Wild West Show exhibition shooting in the tradition of Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley, along with cavalry drills, barrel racing, historical reenactments, and Saturday afternoon Westerns.  Mounted Cowboy Action Shooting is a direct outgrowth of SASS® and is a natural progression for those cowboys and cowgirls who want to bring horses into their fantasy of the Wild West!
Contestants in the mounted shooting competition (men and women) use two .45 caliber single action revolvers loaded with five rounds each of specially prepared SASS® approved black powder blanks to shoot ten reactionary targets (balloons) from horseback while riding a specified course of travel or an Old West type scenario.   Unexpended granules of black powder exiting the barrel of the gun will ordinarily break a balloon out to a range of ten feet. Riders are timed through the course and each missed balloon adds five seconds to the rider's raw time. The contestant who rides the fastest and shoots the straightest will win. 
Tentative schedule:
November practice (location undecided at this time)
December practice in Franklinton
February match in Franklinton or Denham Springs 
March match in Deridder
April match in Deridder and Tunica, MS.
Another match in Franklinton maybe in the summer- June, July.  Covered and shady arena.
Match in late Sept. in Franklinton
For more information contact:
	Greg Boggs  -  Rattlesnake Blake (985) 796-9698
	Terry Toney - (985) 507-7237  or

Coyote Creek Chronicle


Articles  for the  newsletter.   All shooters are encouraged to contribute articles to share with fellow cowboys/cowgirls.  We would like for you to utilize the Coyote Creek Chronicle as your newsletters to express your thoughts and ideas.

 This can be anything from ideas concerning the range, matches you have attended, construction ideas or experiences with guns/ammo, etc.  You contributions would be greatly appreciated.


You can email these to, fax  them to (985) 796-9611 or give them to someone at the range.