Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — September 2011 Edition

Text Box:

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

Scroll Down to read about….

Text Box: Text Box: ? 
 OCTOBER 1ST & 2ND 2011
Click Here for registration form.

Welcome New Member!

“Roger Dodger”  aka  Rober Upham


Welcome  New  Shooter!

“Doc Tenderfoot”  aka  Cyril Scully

Clean Stages – September Match








Four Clean Stages


Captain Billy Blackhorse

Cottonmouth Clipper

Crunch Hardtack

Doc Spudley

Foard County News


Logan Sackett



Three Clean Stages



Copperhead Charlie

Diamondback Mac

Golden Dragon Tong

Lady Mei Dragon

Clean Match Buckle Competition 

At our 2011 annual banquet Goofus Macooter announce his sponsorship of a very nice award buckle to be given away to the monthly shooter who has the most clean matches throughout the year.  The competition runs from Hangin’ at Coyote Creek 2010 through the October match in 2011 (twelve month period).   The presentation will be presented at Hangin’ at Coyote Creek 2011.   Like Wyatt Earp said, “In a gun fight, take your time in a hurry.”

Standings at this time:

Nov. 2010 – Rattlesnake Blake, Louisiana Cuz    

Dec. 2010 – Crunch Hardtack , Louisiana Cuz

Jan. 2011 – Rattlesnake Blake                                           

Feb. 2011 – El Otro Doc

March 2011 – Cajun Ace, El Zopilote Mejado, Louisiana Cuz, T-Joe

April 2011 – Foard County News, El Otro Doc                

May 2011 – Big John Blackhawk, Cajun Ace, Cooper York, Diamondback Mac, El Otro                                  Doc, Foard County News, Galvez, Soiled Dove, T-Joe

June 2011 – Cap’n Dan

July 2011 – Crunch Hardtack, Louisiana Cuz, Rattlesnake Blake

Aug 2011  -  Buckshot Mitchell, Louisiana Cuz


September Clean Match

September Top Shooters

Welcome New Members/Shooters

Coyote Calhoun

Buckle Contest

Range Officer II Class

Hangin’ Sponsorship & Prizes

Items needed for Hangin’

Vigilante Justice

CAS Youth Program

Articles Needed for Newsletter

Text Box: Hangin’ at Coyote Creek—2011
Louisiana State Championship
	If you have not already done so, the registration flyer is available on our web site.  This year’s annual match has some exciting events planned around the main match which is on Saturday and Sunday.  
	There will be long range and skeet competition on Friday morning.  On Friday afternoon, the cowboy range will be open for side matches, a two-stage Wild Bunch side match and a two-stage Professionals side match.
	Vendors will be on hand at the range for your cowboy shopping needs.   David and Allison will be preparing meals for us on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the range.
	A delicious banquet is planned for Sat. evening at Lyn Haven in Hammond.  (You do not need to be a registered shooter to attend the banquet.  Contact Soiled Dove for a banquet reservation.)  Guns, including a 1886 Winchester Pederosoli in 45-70 and a pair of Running Irons, and other items will be raffled at the banquet.  Anyone attending the banquet can participate in the raffle drawings.
Text Box: Top Shooters  -  Sept. Match
49’er Class
	Golden Dragon Tong
	Copperhead Charlie
	Diamondback Mac
	Gentilly Gent
	Marshal Big Daddy Jenks
	Kisatchie Moon
	Cottonmouth Clipper	
Elder Statesman
	Louisiana Cuz
	Coyote Jack
	Old Paul
	Parson Delacroix
	Bear River Smith
Lady Forty Niner
	Mountain Laurel
	Dixie Deadeye
	Sassy Schoolmarm	
Lady Duelist
	Runnin Rose
Lady Professional
	Soiled Dove
Lady Wrangler
	Apache Belle
	Steele Magnolia
Lady Wild Bunch
	Cameo Rose
	Rattlesnake Blake
	Crazy Emmitt
	Buckshot Mitchell
	Cap’n Dan	
Senior Duelist
	Doc Spudley
	Cooper York	
Silver Senior
	Capt. Billy Blackhorse
	El Zopilote Mojado	
Wild Bunch
	Goofus Macooter
	Logan Sackett
	Cicero Grimes
Young Gun Girls
	Lady Mei Dragon
Top Cowboy Shooter :
Logan Sackett
Top Cowgirl Shooter :
Mountain Laurel











             It is with great sorrow that we say adios to our dear friend, Coyote Calhoun AKA Lamar Shelnutt.  We have been pardners since the middle 90’s when we first crossed paths in the early days of Mule Camp.  I can say that through the years this was truly one of the finest cowboys to grace the range.  Coyote Calhoun was more than just a Wild Bunch member but a true friend to those he met.  The cowboy way was his motto.  In past years, he has honored us with his presence and cowboy spirit at Hangin’ at Coyote Creek.  Coyote’s enthusiasm, energy, and creativity have been vital to SASS and will surely be missed.


             For those new to this shooting sport, Coyote Calhoun was a Wild Bunch member and Hall of Fame inductee who passed away suddenly September 20th while attending to business at SASS’ New Mexico Headquarters. He had assumed many of the major SASS business responsibilities for the past few years. Coyote Calhoun was the SASS National Programs Director and Marketing Director. He was a co-founder of the Shootout at Mule Camp, the first SASS Regional Championship, and, as a member of the Magnificent Seven, received the SASS Spirit Award in 1999. Coyote began working for SASS in 1999, bringing consistency and enthusiasm to the SASS National Shooting Program. He was part of the development of the SASS Range Operations Safety Courses and served on the SASS Range Operations Committee. He was an outspoken advocate of the “B” Western shooting category. In 2004, Coyote received the prestigious “Top Hand” award and was inducted into the Cowboy Action Shooting™ Hall of Fame in 2009. 


             As his best pard, San Quinton, so tenderly stated, “Adios PARDNER. I know Hoppy, Gene, Roy and Tom have greeted you with a Cowboy Howdy and welcomed you to their camp fire. Ride easy and keep an eye on us until we meet again.”.

Text Box: Range Officer II Class
We will be offering a Range Officer II Class on Saturday, October 29 at the Mississippi Peacemaker range in Mendenhall, MS.  The class will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the cost of the class is $25.00.  
There is a classroom presentation, as well as a practicum on the shooting range.  However, you will not need to bring any guns.
If you would like to audit this RO II class, you can do so at no charge.
For registration, please contact Soiled Dove at

         Hangin’ at Coyote Creek


Please let us know if you are willing to sponsor any of the area below.  Your sponsorships help the club defray the cost of operating such a large match. 


                *  Prizes for the Drawing for all Registered Shooters - These prizes need to be brought to the October match so that we can prepare them for distribution.


Below is a list of the sponsorships available:

           Stage Sponsor                               $200 in Cash, Merchandise  or Gift Certificate

           Side Match Sponsorship               $100 in Cash, Merchandise or Gift Certificate

           Prize Buckle Sponsor                   $50 Cash

           Banquet Prize Sponsor                $25 Cash




Text Box: Youth Program
Cowboy Action Shooting
We have developed a youth program to introduce our sport 
to young shooters under the supervision of qualified range officers. 
A parent/guardian must be present during shooting on the range.
Our first planned event will be 
Sunday, Sept. 9th from 1:00 to 5:00 at our range.
Please spread the word to youngsters you may know !
 	Our Goal:  To introduce young people to the pleasures and responsibilities of the shooting sports within the framework of the traditional Old West while using single action revolvers, rifles and a shot gun.  Our #1 priority is SAFETY.  There will be qualified firearms instructors present and local range officers of the Bayou Bounty Hunters to assist in developing the shooting skills of these young folks.  Our intent is to provide a family-friendly shooting environment which can be enjoyed by all.

Coyote Creek Chronicle


Articles  for the  newsletter are needed and welcomed!  


                 All shooters are encouraged to contribute articles to share with fellow cowboys/cowgirls.  We would like for you to utilize the Coyote Creek Chronicle as your newsletters to express your thoughts and ideas.

 This can be anything from ideas concerning the range, matches you have attended, construction ideas or experiences with guns/ammo, etc.  You contributions would be greatly appreciated.


       (You can email these to, fax  them to (985) 796-9611 or give them to someone at the range. )


September 2011


By Soiled Dove