Coyote Creek Chronicle Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — October/November 2007 Edition |
23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 Phone (714) 694-1800 Fax (714) 694-1815 |
Soiled Dove Print Editor / Publisher
Bayou Blessings Web Editor / Publisher |
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Top Shooter—October
Clean Stages—October
Hangin’ Thank you’s
Election of Officers
Christmas Gift Ideas
-Top Shooters-
October Match
49’er Class: Copperhead Charlie Malone LaVeigh Ramblin Royal
Buckerette: Lady Mei Dragon
Classic Cowboy: Kid Charlemagne Cajun Ace James Henry Parker
Duelist: Rattlesnake Blake Fuzzy Q. Jones Cooper York
Elder Statesman: El Otro Doc Old Paul
Frontier Cartridge: Cubbie
Frontier Cartridge Duelist: Kentucky Tom
Frontiersman: Buckshot Mitchell
Gun Fighter: Crazy Emmitt Boothill Coyote Pine Shadows Drifter
Lady 49’er: Bayou Blessings
Lady Frontier Cartridge: Cameo Rose
Lady Senior: Soiled Dove
Lady Traditional: Apache Belle Sue E
Modern: T. J. Wild Golden Dragon Tong Big John Blackhawk
Senior: El Zopilote Mejado Cherokee Strip Doc
Senior Duelist: Doc Spudley Cap’n Dan
SHOOTIST: Galvez Parson Delacroix Prairie Dawg Dud
Silver Senior: Coyote Jack Cheyenne Hawkeye Pipeline Cowboy
Traditional: Graveyard Fayard Black Bart Smith Priairieville
Top Cowboy Shooter
Graveyard Fayard
Top Cowgirl Shooter
Soiled Dove |
General Membership Meeting
September 8, 2007
Secretarial Report – The reading of the minutes was suspended due to the fact that the previous minutes had been printed and reviewed.
Treasury Report – We have approximately $5,500 in our checking account and $4,200 in our 18-month CD which is drawing 5.25%.
Territorial Governor – (Rattlesnake was not present.)
General Business
The election of officers will take place at the January Annual Membership Meeting. Anyone interested in serving in the capacity of one of the nine board positions needs to follow the nomination procedure outlined in Aug. /Sept. newsletter.
The early posse will continue to operate for the following months – Sept. through Oct. A discussion concerning the specifics of the early posse followed. Overall, the club is in agreement to offer the early posse for the months mentioned above.
The continuation of the Shootist category resulted in the vote to limit the Shootist category exclusively to the top eight shooters. Should persons designated in this Shootist category from the previous month’s match not be present the following month, the category will then contain only those present. (In other words, shooters will not be moved up to make a group of eight.)
Parking – It has been requested that automobiles not be driven on the cart way as this will break down the sides of the constructed area. Also, please leave a gap in front of the cart way so that shooters can maneuver their guns carts and other acceptable forms of transportation to the shooting area.
Hangin’ at Coyote Creek: There is a need for helpers for the side matches on Friday. Please contact Cameo Rose if you are willing to help out with the side matches. Stage drivers are also needed to run the posses. Stage drivers will shoot with that posse and are responsible for seeing that all of the stages are shot accordingly. They may or may not be selected as the posse leaders. This is up to the individual posses. We are collecting gifts to be presented to the registered shooters when they register. Please bring your contribution by the October match, as we need to organize these for distribution. If you are interested in going to Trey Yuen in Hammond on Friday night, there will be a sign-up sheet during registration on that day. We need to give Joe an idea of the number of people who are coming. Workday for Hangin’ will be the fourth Sat. of September and October. A building is going up at Stage #1. Kentucky Tom and Chipola Kid are coming out as much as they can to work on this construction. They are usually there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Kentucky will notify me with an email to let others know when they need help.
Meeting adjourned. |