Coyote Creek Chronicle Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — October 2011 Edition |
23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 Phone (714) 694-1800 Fax (714) 694-1815 |
Soiled Dove Print Editor / Publisher
Bayou Blessings Web Editor / Publisher |
Welcome New Member! Bobby Spinks (alias to be decided)
Welcome New Shooter! “Jingle Jim” aka Jim Campbell |
Scroll Down to read about….
October Clean Match October Top Shooters Welcome New Members/Shooters Hangin’ Registration CAS Youth Program |
Top Shooters Oct. Saturday Match 49’er Class Golden Dragon Tong Macon A. Longshot Copperhead Charlie B-Western Macon A. Longshot Cowboy Gentilly Gent Cowgirl Switchblade Annie
Duelist Marshal Big Daddy Jenks Red River Rudy Kasatchie Moon
Elder Statesman Louisiana Cuz Kentucky Tom Boothill Coyote Frontier Cartridge Parson Delacroix El Otro Doc Frontiersman Buckshot Mitchell Gunfighter Crazy Emmitt Lady Forty Niner Dixie Deadeye Mountain Laurel Lady Duelist Runnin Rose Lady Frontier Cartridge Cameo Rose Lady Senior Diamond Lilly Soiled Dove Lady Wrangler Concho Pearl Apache Belle Sassy Schoolmarm Senior Galvez Leatherneck Roger Doger Senior Duelist Rattlesnake Blake Doc Spudley Cubby Silver Senior Cookie Cap’n Dan Jingle Jim Wrangler Logan Sackett Goofus Macooter Cicero Grimes Young Guns Girls Lady Mei Dragon
Top Cowboy Shooter Parson Delacroix
Top Cowgirl Shooter Concho Pearl |
Top Shooters Oct. Sunday Match 49’er Class Duke City Deadeye Copperhead Charlie Golden Dragon Tong Cowboy Gentilly Gent Duelist Marshal Big Daddy Jenks Cottonmouth Clipper Elder Statesman Louisiana Cuz Frontier Cartridge El Otro Doc Frontier Cartridge Duelist Cajun Ace Lady Forty-Niner Dixie Deadeye Mountain Laurel Lady Duelist Runnin Rose Lady Senior Soiled Dove Senior Roger Dodger Senior Duelist Rattlesnake Blake Cooper York Silver Senior Doc Tenderfoot Wrangler Goofus Macooter Young Guns Girl Lady Mei Dragon
Top Cowboy Shooter Duke City Deadeye
Top Cowgirl Shooter Soiled Dove |
On Sunday, October 9th we held our first Cowboy Action Shooting Youth Program. There were nine youngsters present along with their parents. Crazy Emmitt and Rattlesnake Blake provided the classroom instruction, and then we took everyone down to the range for some actual shooting experience with the 22 pistols & rifles and the 410 shotguns.
There were bays set up for the pistol, rifle and shotgun along with qualified Range Officiers who assisted the youngsters along the way. Our thanks to all those present who came out and supported this event.
Our Goal: To introduce young people to the pleasures and responsibilities of the shooting sports within the framework of the traditional Old West while using single action revolvers, rifles and a shot gun. Our #1 priority being SAFETY.
We will be offering additional training for new youngsters as well as taking those who have been through the initial orientation and assisting them with developing their shooting skills. |