Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — October 2011 Edition

Text Box:

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

Text Box: Clean Stages – Oct. (Sat. Match)
Four Clean Stages
Cameo Rose
Chipola Kid
Copperhead Charlie
Crazy Emmitt
Crunch Hardtack
Doc Spudley
Foard County News
Gentilly Gent
Golden Dragon Tong
Kentucky Tom
Rattlesnake Blake
Reload Don
Roger Dodger
Three Clean Stages
Boothill Coyote
Buckshot Mitchell
Diamond Lilly
El Zopilote Mojado
Kisatchie Moon
Lady Mei Dragon
Logan Sackett
Red River Rudy
Soiled Dove
T– Joe
Clean Stages—Oct. (Sun. Match)
EL Oro Doc
Rattlesnake Blake
Four Clean Stages
Cooper York, 
Copperhead Charlie
Roger Doger
Three Clean Stages
Duke City Deadeye
Doc Tenderfoot 
Gentilly Gent
Louisiana  Cuz
Soiled Dove

Welcome New Member!

Bobby Spinks (alias to be decided)


Welcome  New  Shooter!

“Jingle Jim” aka Jim Campbell

Scroll Down to read about….


October Clean Match

October Top Shooters

Welcome New Members/Shooters

Hangin’ Registration

CAS Youth Program

Text Box:              SASS 2011  TG Summit Agenda
             from Rattlesnake Blake
1) Should the scoring program be changed so that any shooter that does not finish TWO or more stages in a match is not eligible for any main match awards?
 	Voting YES would apply the same criteria currently in place for multiple SDQ’s & SOG’s to DNF’s (Did Not Finish) i.e.; 2X = Match Disqualification.  
 	A NO vote would allow a shooter who DNF’s multiple stages to place ahead of competitors who actually completed all main match stages.
 2) Should the limiting criteria for shooters in Age Based categories be changed from the current “minimum qualifying age OR GREATER” to “between the ages of…”?   (e.g. Wranglers from 36-48; 49ers from 49-59; Seniors from 60-64; etc.)
 	A YES vote would no longer allow a shooter to compete in Age Based categories below his/her actual age range. Cowboy/Cowgirl category age range would end at 35 years of age.  The Junior (Buckaroo/ette and Young Gun) categories would NOT be affected.
	A NO vote would leave the Age Based category restrictions unchanged. (e.g. Two shooters with adjustable-sighted revolvers & a 66 or 73 rifle:  A 65 yr old competitor currently has the option to sign up in FIVE Age Based categories:  Silver Senior, Senior, 49er, Wrangler or Cowboy; A 26 yr old using those firearms only has ONE option: Cowboy)
 3) Should an “OPEN” category be added with NO RESTRICTIONS regarding gender, age, shooting style or propellant? This would provide a single category in which ANY shooter could register. (Gunfighter-style competitors would have to comply with the current category regulations)
 4) Should the “B” Western Category options be rewritten to allow for additional ladies costuming options?
 	A YES vote would have the ROC rewrite the BW requirements to include the suggested changes.  
	A NO vote would leave B Western as is.
5) Should the attached, proposed Category System be adopted? 
NOTE: Some of the Ladies categories that have historically been “under populated? at most annual matches are no longer on the “officially recognized” list. 
Those have been replaced with FCGF, SGF, Cattle Baron, and 80+ (name as yet undetermined) 
A Match Director will always have the OPTION to offer ANY additional categories; as well as the OPTION to change the minimum requirement for honoring a category. 
Category Rules:
Categories listed are the "Official" SASS categories.
2.   All categories must be initially offered at State and above level matches.
3.   MD’s are NOT required to honor categories that fail to secure a minimum of 5 entries at the State and Regional level, or a minimum of 10 entries at WR and EOT.  A cutoff deadline shall be established and posted by the sponsoring club.
4.   Match application forms should ask for a shooter's second (or third) choice.
5.   If it becomes necessary to drop any category due to a failure to meet the minimum number of  shooters required, those effected shooters will be placed into their second choice category. If  no second choice has been given, "Age" based category shooters will “Rollback" into the next lower category. The only exception is the Cowboy category. Since it is at the bottom of the scale, it will roll forward into the Wrangler category if necessary.  The Junior categories are exempt.
6.   Shooters will not be allowed to compete in an "Age" based category that is outside of their age group, except in the case of a category "Rollback."
7.   At the MD’s discretion, ANY category may be added, and any minimum requirement may be 
8.   These rules apply to state and above matches, and are recommended at all lower level matches.
9.   OPEN category is any age/shooting style/propellant w/SASS-legal CAS equipment.

Top Shooters

Oct. Saturday Match

49’er Class

             Golden Dragon Tong

             Macon A. Longshot

             Copperhead Charlie


             Macon A. Longshot


             Gentilly Gent                    


             Switchblade Annie



             Marshal Big Daddy Jenks

             Red River Rudy

             Kasatchie Moon 


Elder Statesman

             Louisiana Cuz

             Kentucky Tom

             Boothill Coyote

Frontier Cartridge       

             Parson Delacroix

             El Otro Doc


             Buckshot Mitchell


             Crazy Emmitt

Lady Forty Niner

             Dixie Deadeye

             Mountain Laurel

Lady Duelist

             Runnin Rose      

Lady Frontier Cartridge

             Cameo Rose

Lady Senior

             Diamond Lilly

             Soiled Dove

Lady Wrangler

             Concho Pearl

             Apache Belle

             Sassy Schoolmarm




             Roger Doger

Senior Duelist

             Rattlesnake Blake

             Doc Spudley


Silver Senior           


             Cap’n Dan  

             Jingle Jim       


             Logan Sackett

             Goofus Macooter

             Cicero Grimes

Young Guns Girls

             Lady Mei Dragon




Top Cowboy Shooter

Parson Delacroix


Top Cowgirl Shooter

Concho Pearl


Top Shooters   

Oct. Sunday Match

49’er Class

           Duke City Deadeye

           Copperhead Charlie

           Golden Dragon Tong


           Gentilly Gent


           Marshal Big Daddy Jenks

           Cottonmouth Clipper

Elder Statesman

           Louisiana Cuz 

Frontier Cartridge

           El Otro Doc

Frontier Cartridge Duelist

           Cajun Ace

Lady Forty-Niner

           Dixie Deadeye

           Mountain Laurel

Lady Duelist

           Runnin Rose

Lady Senior

           Soiled Dove


           Roger Dodger

Senior Duelist

           Rattlesnake Blake

           Cooper York

Silver Senior

           Doc Tenderfoot


           Goofus Macooter

Young Guns Girl

Lady Mei Dragon




Top Cowboy Shooter

             Duke City Deadeye


Top Cowgirl Shooter

             Soiled Dove

Text Box: Hangin’ at Coyote Creek    2011
      If you have not already done so, you can still register for Hangin’ at Coyote Creek.  Registration information is available here. 
	Vendors will be on hand at the range for your cowboy shopping needs.  Side matches are on Friday and the main match will be shot on Saturday and Sunday.  A delicious banquet is planned for Sat. evening at Lyn Haven in Hammond.  (You do not need to be a registered shooter to attend the banquet.  Contact Soiled Dove for a reservation.)  Guns and other items will be raffled at the banquet and everyone attending can participate in the raffle.



On Sunday, October 9th we held our first Cowboy Action

Shooting Youth Program.  There were nine youngsters

present along with their parents.  Crazy Emmitt and

Rattlesnake Blake provided the classroom instruction,

and then we took everyone down to the range for some

actual shooting experience with the 22 pistols & rifles and

the 410 shotguns. 


         There were bays set up for the pistol, rifle and shotgun along with qualified Range Officiers who assisted the youngsters along the way.  Our thanks to all those present who came out and supported this event. 


Our Goal: To introduce young people to the pleasures and responsibilities of the shooting sports within the framework of the traditional Old West while using single action revolvers, rifles and a shot gun.  Our #1 priority being SAFETY


         We will be offering additional training for new youngsters as well as taking those who have been through the initial orientation and assisting them with developing their shooting skills.