Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — November/December 2008 Edition

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

Rattlesnake’s Den



   Howdy Pards, this here is ole Rattlesnake a’scribblin to ya.


             There were a lot of changes that occurred at the Summit this year.  Not only were there the agenda items that were voted upon, the RO Committee did a great deal of clearing up of discrepancies that were noted between the three SASS Documents, ie: the handbook, the RO I material and the RO II material.  The Committee also clarified a number of issues that have been plaguing the game.  This being the case, I would strongly recommend that everyone attend the upcoming RO classes in order to come up to speed on these changes and clarifications.  Those who have already attended and passed RO I can audit the class for free, and you do not have to take the test.  All you need to do is become acquainted with the new material.  It is my intention to hold several RO I classes within the next couple of months.  As soon as we have decided upon the dates, I will get them out to you.


The next order of business is in regards to appeals and challenges at matches.  Our club has always had the process for appeals and challenges regarding matches whether they be monthly, annual or larger.  The process goes initially to the Timer Operator then to the Posse marshal.  If a resolution is not reached at that point, it comes to the Range Master (Rattlesnake Blake).  If the issue cannot be resolved at that point, it then goes to a joint review by the Range Master and the Match Director (the club President, Crazy Emmitt).  In the case of a state match or higher, if available, the appeal or challenge would go before a committee of Territorial Governors who are not from the subject’s home club.  This would supplant the joint review by the Range Master and Match Director.  The Range Master and the Match Director would at this point only observe and advise the committee to guarantee that protocol was adhered to.  The committee would make the final decision.  I ask that everyone adhere to these procedures and chain of command regarding challenges and appeals at matches.

             Lastly, it has come to my attention that the club President has been inundated with questions and in some cases issues regarding club business.  Crazy Emmitt has a lot on his plate at this time and after discussing the matter with me, I have agreed to be the first line of communication regarding any issues that club members may have.  If a club member is not satisfied with an answer they receive from me, I will then discuss it with the President, and we will come up with a consensus of agreement regarding the issue.  I, therefore, ask you to please direct any issues you may have to me.  I can be contacted by phone, 985-796-9698 or by email,


I look forward to meetin’ up with you all to “bang em and clang em”.  May the Good Lord take a’shinin to ya, an remember to keep yore powder dry.      

Scroll Down to read about….


Rattlesnake’s Den

New Members and Shooters

Proposed Amendment

December Top Shooters

December Clean Match/Stages

Hangin’ At Coyote Creek 2008

Club Notices

Annual Dues

BBH’s Memberships

2008 Summit Agenda Items


                    CLUB MEMBERSHIP


In response to recent inquiries concerning club membership, there are three types of Bayou Bounty Hunter memberships available at Coyote Creek: 


(1) Membership in both the Florida Parishes Skeet Club and the Bayou Bounty Hunters. Club privileges include shooting at our cowboy town range seven days a week and skeet shooting on Wed’s, Sat’s and Sun’s.  Monthly match fee is $5.

(2) Membership with the Bayou Bounty Hunters.  This does not include shooting privileges on the cowboy range except for scheduled events.   Monthly match fee is $10.

(3) Life membership to the Bayou Bounty Hunters.  Life membership fee is equal to ten times the amount of the regular annual dues.  Monthly match fee is $10.


For more information check out Joining BBH.