Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters—May 2007 Edition

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

Scroll down to read about….


May Top Shooters

             and Clean Stages


Welcome New Shooters and

             Club Members


Hangin’ At Coyote Creek 2007


Mounted Cowboy Action Shooting


Announcements and Happenings


             Rattlesnake’s Den         


    Howdy Pards, this here is Ole Rattlesnake a’scribblin to ya.  The May two-day match was certainly a fun shoot, especially for those who were able to shoot both days.  May was a big month for matches.  We had the Senior Olympics at Puratory, the Mississippi State match at Smokin’ Guns at Rabbit Ridge and lastly, Mule Camp.  We had Bounty Hunters at all of these events, and they represented our club well.  We will also see some of our members going to End of Trail.


           Hangin’ is fast coming upon us, and I am sure that the “Three Witches” are looking for support to make it come off seamlessly.  Please get in touch with them, and volunteer for one of the committees.  This year we will host the Louisiana State Championship, and need to put on a first class show as we always do.


            I want to encourage members to submit stages for our monthly matches.  I review all the stages submitted, and will make necessary changes should they be necessary.  There is no magic to writing a stage, just your imagination.  If you are

interested and want some pointers give me a call.  Or attend the next RO

and stage design class.


           The June match will soon be upon us.  Be prepared to bang ‘em

and clang ‘em.  I look forward to seeing you all.  May the Good Lord

take ‘ shinin to ya, an remember to keep yore powder dry.


-Top Shooters-


May (Saturday Match)

49’er Class

                      Big Meaux

                     Cypress Jack McKay

                     Marshal Big Daddy Jenks

B Western

                      Boothill Coyote



                      Jalepeno Ono


                      Lady Mei Dragon

Classic Cowboy

                      Cajun Ace



                      Rattlesnake Blake

                      Tobin Kid

                      Fuzzy Q. Jones

Elder Statesman

                      Ed Sieker, Texas Ranger

Frontier Cartridge

                      Dakota Steele

Frontier Cartridge Duelist

                      Kentucky Tom

Gun Fighter

                      Crazy Emmitt

                      Oliver Loving

Junior Boys

                      Dustin Goodnight

Lady 49’er

                      Diamond Lilly

                    Bayou Blessings

                    Runnin’ Rose

Lady Frontier Cartridge

                      Cameo Rose

Lady Traditional

                      Apache Belle

Lady Senior

                      Soiled Dove



                      Gringo Ben

                      El Zopilote Mejado

Senior Duelist

                      Doc Spudley



                     Parson Delacroix

                     Golden Dragon Tong

Silver Senior

                      El Otro Doc

                      Louisiana Cuz

                    Cheyenne Hawkeye


                      Black Bart Smith


                     Cooper York




-Top Shooters-


    May (Sunday Match)


49’er Class

                      Malone LaVeigh

                      Copperhead Charlie

                      Cherokee Chuck

B Western


Classic Cowboy

                      Cajun Ace


                      Rattlesnake Blake

                      Chipola Kid

Lady 49’er

                      Diamond Lilly

                      Runnin’ Rose

Lady Senior

                      Soiled Dove

Lady Traditional

                      Bayou Blessings



Silver Senior

                      Louisiana Cuz



                      Reload Don

                      Blacksmith Joe

Club Happenings   


           Wed. night dinner is served at the clubhouse at 6:00 p.m.  Everyone is invited to enjoy one of Ms. Sally’s delicious and reasonably priced meals while we spend an evening socializing.


             Work day  -  Fourth Sat. of the month.  Kentucky Tom needs everyone’s help in building our cowboy town.  Plans are in the making to expand the town and your help is needed.


             Join Florida Parishes Skeet Club for shooting privileges on the cowboy range seven days a week, camping facilities, and skeet shooting. (Only FPS members are entitled to range privilege at times other than scheduled events.)


             New Shooter Orientation is the 4th Sat. of the month.  Interested new shooters need to contact Crazy Emmitt.