Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters—March 2007 Edition

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

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March Top Shooters

             and Clean Stages


April’s Side Match—Speed Rifle


Welcome New Shooters and

             Club Members


Announcements and Happenings


Shootist Category for April


Two-Day Shoot in May


Parking Issue—Crazy Emmitt


Obsessed with CAS


             Rattlesnake’s Den


             Howdy Pards, this here is ole Rattlesnake a’scribblin to ya.  We had a great March match.  The Wild Bunch category was very popular, and we will endeavor to have that category once a quarter.  We also saw many folks who chose their categories wisely, as almost every category was represented.  The weather was fabulous, and we had time to sit and chew the fat outside after we finished.

             I had a good showin’ at the RO I course, and will be lookin to schedule an ROII class in the near future.  The first Stage Design class was well attended, and I have learned a few things since then.  I will be amending the format the next time around.  It’s funny, every time I teach a class, I learn something of value from the contributions from attendees.  Maybe, one day I might just become “bright.”  I enjoy teaching the classes, and wish every one of our members would take the course.  The RO I course is more for your benefit than anything else.  Yes, it helps to make you proficient when working a posse; however, it also makes you aware of the rules.  The better to properly defend yourself or position should a situation occur.

             Many thanks need to go to Nutria Man for donating the golf cart to the club.  We had the opportunity to use it this past match.  One of our members had just had oral surgery and became ill after the third stage.  The cart was on the range, and I was able to transport them to the clubhouse where they could rest.  I envision many uses for the cart, and Nutria Man deserves a hearty thank you from the members.

             We are experiencing growth at our monthly matches, and we will probably be seeing in excess of fifty shooters each month.  I have watched the situation of parking on the range for the past months and have observed that we are stretching from the gate to past the pavilion.  Unfortunately, that is just too many vehicles on the range.  I appreciate that most shooters realized the problem, and walked from the parking area by the clubhouse without complaint.  There is no way that we can accommodate that many vehicles on the range without causing physical damage.  The club spent good money to grade and seed the range, and we needed to let it reestablish itself.  For those shooters who are physically challenged, we have the golf cart which will soon have a rack to carry a gun cart to transport them to the range and back.  A number of us who walk to and from the range have physical limitations.  I understand that there are those who cannot make the walk, and we have made provisions for them.  The walk is certainly less that the walk from Stage One to Stage Ten.  I also find it nicer (and cooler) to put my cart, guns etc., away under the shade of the trees by the clubhouse.

             It looks like we will have a two-day fun shoot in May, and I look forward to seeing you there.  I am also looking for a date for our first long range side match day.  I’ll let you know as soon as it is scheduled.  Again, for those of you who shot the Wild Bunch category ( I think it was the largest category for the match), Ye Haw!

             I look forward to seeing you in April (or sooner).  May the Good Lord take a’shinin to ya, an remember to keep yore powder dry.

Top Shooters - March

49’er Class

           Montana Moe

           Copperhead Charlie

           Cooper York


           Jalepeno Ono

           Tabasco Ono

Classic Cowboy

           Cajun Ace


           Tobin Kid

           Fuzzy Q. Jones

           Irish Pat

Elder Statesman

           Old Paul

Frontier Cartridge

           Parson Delacroix

Gun Fighter

           Crazy Emmitt

           Taco Bill

           Oliver Loving

Junior Boys

           Dustin Goodnight

Lady 49’er

           Running Rose

           Bayou Blessings

Lady Black Powder B-Western

           Diamond Lilly


           Golden Dragon Tong


           Galvez Kid


           Prairie Dawg Dud

Senior Duelist

           Doc Spudley


           Robideaux Bell Longstreet

Silver Senior

           Louisiana Cuz

           Cheyenne Hawkeye

           Sleeping Coyote


           Habanero Ono

           Prairieville Kid

           Ponchatrain P. Shooter


           Boothill Coyote

Wild Bunch

           Black Bart Smith

           El Otro Doc

           Rattlesnake Blake



         Beginning with the March match, we will begin parking at the club house.  Trees for summer shade have been planted on the range.   We are also attempting to get the grass to grow on the range, all of which to enhance our shooting experience.


             Should you need assistance with a ride to the range, a golf cart is available.  There are also people who are willing to move a gun cart to the range should anyone need any assistance.

Club Happenings   


           Wed. night dinner is served at the clubhouse at 6:00 p.m.  Everyone is invited to enjoy one of Ms. Sally’s delicious and reasonably priced meals while we spend an evening socializing.


             Work day  -  Fourth Sat. of the month.  Kentucky Tom needs everyone’s help in building our cowboy town.  Plans are in the making to expand the town and your help is needed.


             Join Florida Parishes Skeet Club for shooting privileges on the cowboy range seven days a week, camping facilities, and skeet shooting. (Only FPS members are entitled to range privilege at times other than scheduled events.)


             New Shooter Orientation is the 4th Sat. of the month.  Interested new shooters need to contact Crazy Emmitt.       




 You know you’re obsessed

with Cowboy Action Shooting, When  . . .


 When you are going to buy a new vehicle and you make your final decision

based on how your gun cart will fit in the vehicle.


 When you plan your whole year’s vacation schedule around

major shooting matches around the country.


 When all of your Christmas, birthday, and anniversary gifts become

CAS guns, clothes, and jewelry.


When you instinctively load five rounds into every handgun you own ,

even the semi auto's clips.


When you will drive six hours nonstop to a shoot, but grumble

when you have to drive a few miles across town to run some errands.


 When you will shoot all day in the pouring rain, but won't mow the grass

when the slightest hint of a sprinkle is present.


  When you will buy a brand new gun to shoot at a match,

because one of your regular CAS guns is at the gunsmith for some minor repairs.


 When you run into CAS shooters at places other than matches

and only know them only by their aliases.


 When you are out hunting wild game, and you’re disappointed

that your target didn't go clang when you hit it.


  When the boldest inserts in your calendar are the gun shows & shooting matches.


   If you start calling your spouse or kids by his or her registered SASS alias,

and you register your pet in SASS.