Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — June/July 2011 Edition

Text Box:

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

Scroll Down to read about….

Text Box:

2nd Annual Hawaiian Costume Contest

June/July Clean Match

June/July Top Shooters

Welcome New Members

Farewell to Cherokee Strip Doc

Buckle Contest

Hangin’ Prizes Needed

Hangin’ info

Vigilante Justice\

Wildlife & Fisheries Banquet

End Of Trail Territorial Governor’s Meetting



   The  coyote creek chronicle  is now back in print.  After a very busy spring semester and wrestling with retirement decisions,  life is now moving at a slower pace and I have more time to devote to the monthly newsletter.


   Having said that, I need your help!  The newsletter is your newsletter and I would really appreciate contributions from the membership.  Articles can range from personal observations/views on shooting, reloading, matches, cowboy action shooting in general, etc.  Anything that you feel would be of interest and benefit your fellow shooters.

                                                                      Soiled Dove

Top Shooters—June Match

49’er Class:  Macon A. Longshot

                   Copperhead Charlie

                   Duke City Deadeye

Cowboy:  Dakota Steele

              Bayou Bama

              Gentilly Gent

Classic Cowboy:  Cajun Ace

                          Buckshot Mitchell

Cowgirl:  Sue E

Duelist:  Marshal Big Daddy Jenks

              Tobin Kid

              Woodie B. Western

Elder Statesman:  Louisiana Cuz

                            Kentucky Tom

                            Boothill Coyote

Frontier Cartridge:  Crazy Emmitt

Lady 49’er:  Dixie Deadeye

                   Mountain Laurel

Lady Duelist:  Runnin Rose

Lady Frontier Cartridge: Cameo Rose

Lady Senior:  Diamond Lilly

Lady Wranger:  Concho Pearl

                        Apache Belle

                       Steele Magnolia

Senior:  Galvez

             Cap’n Dan

            Soiled Dove

Senior Duelist:  Rattlesnake Blake

                       Doc Spudley


Silver Senior:  Cookie

                      El Zopilote Mojado

Wrangler:  Logan Sackett

                Goofus Macooter



Top Cowboy:  Logan Sackett

Top Cowgirl  -  Diamond Lilly






Clean Stages – June


Cap’n Dan


Four Clean Stages


Crazy Emmitt

Diamondback Mac


Logan Sackett

Louisiana Cuz

Rattlesnake Blake


Three Clean Stages


Cajun Ace


Copperhead Charlie


Diamond Lilly

Doc Spudley


Mountain Laurel


Tobin Kid


Clean Stages – July







Four Clean Stages

Boothill Coyote

Foard County News


Three Clean Stages


Cameo Rose

Cooper York

Coyote Jack

Goofus Macooter

Gringo Ben

Old Paul

Tobin Kid

Top Shooters - July Match

49’er Class

           Copperhead Charlie

           Duke City Deadeye

           Devil Dawg


           Mark Mccain


           Blackwater Jack

           Rube Burrows

           Dakota Steele

Classic Cowboy

           Cole Trigger


           Marshal Big Daddy Jenks

           Tobin Kid

           James Henry Parker

Elder Stateman

           Coyote Jack

           Louisiana Cuz

           Old Paul

Frontier Cartridge

           Parson Delacroix

Lady Forty-Niner

           Dixie Deadeye

           Mountain Laurel

           Sassy Schoolmarm

Lady Duelist

           Runnin Rose

Lady Professional

           Cameo Rose

           Soiled Dove

Lady Wrangler

           Calladonia Parker

           Kitty West


           Goofus Macooter

           Rattlesnake Blake

           Crazy Emmitt



           Gringo Ben

Senior Duelist

           Cooper York

           Doc Spudley


Silver Senior

           Capt. Billy Blackhorse



           Logan Sackett

           Duece Vaquero




Top Cowboy  -  Logan Sackett

Top Cowgirl  -  Dixie Deadeye


        Cherokee Strip Doc, Sass #69224

        aka John Schmacher, M.D.

                 It  is with great sorrow that we say good-bye to one of our pards, Cherokee Stip Doc, who passed away on June 22, 2011 at the age of 70 years.   A native of Alva, Oklahoma, he graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University  and the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine. He served in the U.S. Navy as a general surgeon aboard the USS Ogden.

             Cherokee Strip Doc enjoyed our cowboy action shooting sport and particularly excelled in his long range shooting expertise.  Many sought his assistance, guidance and knowledge in trying to improve their skills to the level on which he performed.

             He will be sadly missed by friends, family and fellow shooters.  Until we take that final ride, he will be in our thoughts and prayers.                                                                                                             

Clean Match Buckle Competition 

At our 2011 annual banquet Goofus Macooter announce his sponsorship of a very nice award buckle to be given away to the monthly shooter who has the most clean matches throughout the year.  The competition runs from Hangin’ at Coyote Creek 2010 through the October match in 2011 (twelve month period).   The presentation will be presented at Hangin’ at Coyote Creek 2011. 


Like Wyatt Earp said, “In a gun fight, take your time in a hurry.”


Standings at this time:

Nov. 2010 – Rattlesnake Blake, Louisiana Cuz

 Dec. 2010 – Crunch Hardtack , Louisiana Cuz

 Jan. 2011 – Rattlesnake Blake

 Feb. 2011 – El Otro Doc

 March 2011 – Cajun Ace, El Zopilote Mejado, Louisiana Cuz, T-Joe

 April 2011 – Foard County News, El Otro Doc                    

 May 2011 – Big John Blackhawk, Cajun Ace, Cooper York, Diamondback Mac, El Otro Doc, Foard County News, Galvez, Soiled Dove, T-Joe

 June 2011 – Cap’n Dan

 July 2011 – Crunch Hardtack, Louisiana Cuz, Rattlesnake Blake



           We will now be shooting on the fourth Sunday of the month, in addition to our regularly scheduled match on the 2nd Saturday of the month.  Copperhead Charlie and Running Rose will coordinate the Sunday shoot along with the help of some other pards.  Normally, the match will begin at 11:00 a.m. to afford those who want to go the church the opportunity to do and pull triggers as well.  Also, for those late risers, you will be able to sleep in and then  come out and shoot later in the day.


           However, until the heat of the summer subsides, the Sunday match will begin at 9:00 a.m.  Therefore, on Sunday, August 27th you can load ‘um up and come out and shoot for 9:00 a.mRegistration will be at the club house.  Plan to bring your own lunch and scores will be presented at the end of the shoot.

Text Box: Stage Sponsorships and Shooter Prizes
Hangin’ at Coyote Creek
	Pards: There are several areas in which we could use your help for the upcoming annual match in November.  
	       Sponsorships  -  used to fund the general expenses of the match  
	     			        Prizes for the Drawing for all Registered Shooters  
	Below is a list of the sponsorships available:
		Stage Sponsor  		$200 in Cash, Merchandise  or Gift Certificate
 		Side Match Sponsorship        $100 in Cash, Merchandise or Gift Certificate
    		Prize Buckle Sponsor	 	$50 Cash
 		Banquet Prize Sponsor	 $25 Cash    (Used to  purchase of banquet prizes)
	Stage and side match sponsors receive recognition in the shooter booklet.  Therefore, this is an opportunity for you to approach businesses who may be interested in supporting cowboy action shooting and receiving advertisement in the shooter booklet.  (If you have someone interested, you can print the sponsorship form which I emailed or contact me for another copy.) If you or anyone you know may be interested in sponsoring a stage, please contact Cameo Rose .  If several shooters would like to go together and sponsor a stage, that would be greatly appreciated as well.
	Prizes for the Drawing for Registered Shooters:  These items can be brought to the club during monthly matches or  on Wednesday nights.  We will need to have all prizes submitted by the October  match  in order to get them ready for distribution for the annual match.  The annual match should draw over 100 shooters so we are in need of prizes


SASS and the

 Bayou Bounty Hunters




          the Louisiana State Championship

Hangin’ at Coyote Creek  -  2011

Nov. 11, 12, 13th 


Click here for registration form.

Text Box: ? 	
 OCTOBER 1ST & 2ND 2011
Click Here for registration form.
Text Box: Welcome New Shooter!
“Deuce Vaquero”  aka  Jackie Stephens
“Kitty West”  aka  Carrie Malone

End of Trail Territorial Governors Meeting – 12 June 2011

Hipshot - Moderator

Clubs Represented:  Rattlesnake Blake—Bayou Bounty Hunters

                                      Cooper York—Border Vigilantes

                                          Soiled Dove (proxy) - Deadwood Marshals


 If a competitor doesn’t complete all stages of the main match (for any reason) s/he should not be eligible for any main match awards.

              Straw poll indicated the majority are in favor of this.


 Overloading the rifle Q&A:

    Pale Wofe Brunelle presented the related “WtC?” questions to the assembled TG’s.

    These will be published in the July issue of the “Cowboy Chronicle, as well as being posted on all of the SASS Wire forums.


 Capping a C&B cylinder out of the revolver (@ the Loading Table)

       If this is ruled “illegal” due to safety concerns if the loaded/capped cylinder is dropped, there would likely be repercussions affecting the use of cartridge conversion cylinders (which must be loaded outside of the revolver before reassembly).

              The practice is LEGAL, but  NOT RECOMMENDED.




 Proposed agenda item:

       Should Grand Dame’s be allowed to use .22 caliber firearms.

       Additional discussion re: allowing < 20ga shotguns (i.e. 28ga & .410’s)

       Suggested allowing the same firearm regulations as for Buckaroo/Buckarett categories.




       Hipshot reported that the Chief RO Instructor program is working.

       All CRO’s (Chief Range Officers) have the authority to certify new RO Instructors.








             The skeet club  is proud to announce their 26th annual banquet on Saturday, August 20th.   This program not only supports the efforts of our Wildlife and Fisheries Department, but also supports the operations of the skeet club throughout the year.  A financially healthy skeet club benefits our CAS club.  If you would like to attend and support the skeet club, please contact one of the club officers for tickets.  There will be $1000 cash drawing to a lucky participant and the winner need not be present.