Coyote Creek Chronicle Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — June 2008 Edition |
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Top Shooter—June Match
Welcome New Shooters And Members
Wild Bunch Category
Hangin’ At Coyote Creek ‘08
Early Posse Shoot—July
Club Notices |
End of Trail, 2008 By Rattlesnake Blake
Howdy pards, this here is ole Rattlesnake a’scribblin to ya. We just got home from EOT, and it was a fun match to shoot. I recommend that you try to go at least once to experience it. The targets were up close and big. There were a lot of pistol knockdown targets that were the standard size. Those targets were fun to shoot, and they put an extra factor in the match.
Soiled Dove won the coveted “White Buffalo” for shooting a clean match. Yours truly, had one miss, and therefore had to listen to Dusty Lonestar enlighten every posse that shot on the stage we were RO’ing during the main match. There were lots of vendors there, and hopefully Foard County News and Sassy Schoolmarm got everything they were looking for along with purchases they had not even thought of.
Kentucky Tom and Dusty Lonestar both were awarded Regulator Badges, and we had a great time celebrating the event. We were rewarded that evening, back at the trailers, when Tom came out in shorts and tank top sporting his new Regulator badge (and shining it). He even had a second (or was that a third) beer that evening. I lost count after my ??? glasses of wine.
Every evening a group of us who were RO’ing got together at the camp site and relaxed revisiting the day’s events. Even though he didn’t RO (He did get to shoot with the RO’s.), we allowed Foard County to join our festivities. We were also surprised to see Southern Outlaw along with his family at the match. We had just seen him at Mule Camp and didn’t know that he was coming to EOT. Southern Outlaw shot the match, and made a good accounting of himself.
Even though it is a sizable expense, if you have a camper, I would highly recommend that you camp on the grounds. The experience of getting together in the evening, after all of the shooting is done for the day, is an experience that you will surely remember for a long time to come. I did forget to say that Kentucky Tom won a buckle for the Team Match, and Soiled Dove received a buckle for her class in the Main Match. Congratulations to all of our pards from Louisiana who came home with a buckle and/or a “White Buffalo”.
I missed being with you all at the June match, but I am looking forward to getting together with everyone in July. EOT was great, but getting back to where everything is green and where you can drink the air is wonderful. We will miss our pards at EOT, but we sure will be glad to back with our Bayou Bounty Hunter pards in July. May the Good Lord take a’shinin to ya, an remember to keep yore powder dry.
Top Shooters - June Match 49’er Class Montana Moe Copperhead Charlie T-Joe
B-Western Buckshot Mitchell Boothill Coyote
Buckeroo Los Ojos
Classic Cowboy James Henry Parker Cajun Ace
Duelist Tobin Kid
Elder Statesman Old Paul Cheyenne Hawkeye
Gun Fighter Marion Mosby Crazy Emmitt
Lady Forty-Niner Bayou Blessings Runnin Rose
Lady Frontier Cartridge Cameo Rose
Modern Diamondback Mac Nashoba Bill
Senior Prairie Dawg Dud Gringo Ben El Zopilote Mojado
Senior Duelist Cubbie
SHOOTIST Parson Delacroix El Otro Doc Galvez
Silver Senior Coyote Jack
Traditional Goofus Macootter Southern Outlaw Cooper York
Top Cowboy Shooter Parson Delacroix
Top Cowgirl Shooter Cameo Rose
Early Posse: The Early Posse is now in progress and will continue for the months of June, July, August and September. Your early posse leader is Louisiana Cuz. Requirements for the early shoot require at least TEN shooters to notify Louisiana Cuz prior to the shoot and to register on match day. (It is imperative that we have at least 10 shooters to safely and efficiently run the posse.) If you would like to avoid the heat of the summer and plan to shoot in the early posse, please contact Louisiana Cuz by the Wednesday prior to match day. His contact information is: Cary Williams, (985) 386-9718,
Registration is from 7:00 – 7:15 a.m. under the Cantina on the range. Shooting begins at 7:30 a.m.