Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters—June 2007 Edition

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

Scroll down to read about….


May Top Shooters

             and Clean Stages


Welcome New Shooters and

             Club Members


Wildlife & Fisheries Banquet


Hangin’ At Coyote Creek 2007


Stage Sponsors & Prizes


Special Club Notice



Mule Camp  -  May, 2007

           by Apache Belle                                 


     At the end of May, several of the Bayou Bounty Hunters traveled to Mule Camp in Covington, Georgia.  A black powder match was shot Thursday morning, side matches Thursday afternoon and six stages were shot on Friday and six stages on Saturday.  The shooters shot either morning on Friday (7:30 a.m.) and afternoon (12:30 p.m.) on Saturday, or afternoon on Friday and morning on Saturday.  We managed to get the best shooting schedule.  We shot Friday afternoon, which was warm, but comfortable, and allowed us to sleep in and still have time to check out the vendors.  Saturday morning was cool, but not enough for Emmitt to take out the buffalo coat.  When you weren’t shooting, you could walk into “town” – a large area up the hill where the food, clothing, gun, leather, etc. vendors are assembled.  There were also entertainers in the “big tent” and around the grounds, such as a medicine show, a fast draw shooter, a magician, and several singers.  A schedule of who was doing what and where was included in your packet. 


      This shoot was very well organized and a lot of fun.  We did tire of the somewhat long walks and the rocks which I think were supposed to be gravel.  The stages are cut into the hill and were a pleasant walk downhill or an unpleasant walk uphill depending on your direction and the temperature.  They were quick, but still fun.  The theme of the match was scenes from Lonesome Dove, so we got to say some of the great lines from the movie such as, “We don’t rent pigs!” while standing next to a wagon and holding a plastic pig.  There was a really fun stage which included the Texas Star (I’m sure we’ll see that shooting sequence on our range in the future!). 


     Many of our fellow shooters managed to bring home Mule Camp belt buckles and one our very own BBHs (Tobin Kid) brought home two!!!  Here are the results best I could extract the info from the Mule Camp website:


Mule Camp Results

 Main Match:

             Free State                       1st      FCD

             Tobin Kid                         7th      FRC

             Crazy Emmitt                 8th      FRC

             Kentucky Tom              12th      FRC

             Cameo Rose                   5th      LFC

             Cap’n Dan                     14th      SD

             Short Stuff                       4th      LT

             Apache Bell                    15th     LT

             Prairie Dog Dud             12th    SD

             Montana Moe                  15th    49’s


 Black Powder Match:

             Free State                     1st       FCD

             Tobin Kid                       5th       FRC

             Kentucky Tom               6th       FRC

             Crazy Emmitt                9th       GF

             Cameo Rose                 6th       LFC


Mule Camp has traditionally been know at the “Beginning of the Trail.”  At the conclusion annual, state and regional matches across the country, the final championship event is held in New Mexico in June which is know as End of Trail.

-Top Shooters-

June Match

49’er Class —  Leatherneck

                     Marshal Big Daddy Jenks

                     Malone LaVeigh


B-Western  -  Crazy Emmitt


Buckerette — Lady Mei Dragon


Classic Cowboy  -  Cajun Ace


Duelist  -  Red River Rudy

               Rattlesnake Blake

               Fuzzy Q. Jones


Elder Statesman - Old Paul


Frontier Cartridge   -  Cubbie


Frontier Cartridge Duelist -  Kentucky Tom


Gun Fighter  -  Taco Bill

                      Pine Shadows Drifter

                       Oliver Loving


Junior Boys  -  Dustin Goodnight


Lady 49’er  -  Diamond Lilly


Lady Frontier Cartridge -  Cameo Rose


Lady Traditional -  Bayou Blessing

                            Lottie Leadblaster


Modern  -  Barkeep


Senior  -  Galvez

               Pairie Dawg Dud

               Gringo Ben


SHOOTIST  -  Parson Delacroix

                    Golden Dragon Tong



Silver Senior  -  Louisiana Cuz

                       Sleeping Coyote

                        Dominique Youx


Traditional  -  Cooper York

                     Reload Don

                     Ponchatrain P. Shooter

Wildlife and Fisheries Banquet

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Amite, LA

             Florida Parishes Skeet and Gun Association is proud to announce their annual event in August.  This event involves the Hunter Safety Course on Aug. 4th & 5th and the Wildlife and Fisheries Banquet on Aug. 18th.  This program not only supports the efforts of our Wildlife and Fisheries Department, but also supports the operations of the skeet club throughout the year.


             This Hunter Safety Course enables the club to educate young people to safely enjoy the sport of hunting, develop an appreciation for outdoor entertainment, and respect our natural resources.  If you know anyone who may be interested in taking the Hunter Safety Course, please spread the word about this important program  The course is free to everyone 10 years of age or older, and anyone born after 1970 must take this course in order to obtain a hunting license. (Free lunch is provided both days.)


             At the banquet on Aug. 18th, there will be $1,500 in cash drawings given away. (Ticket holder need not be present to win.)  The event begins at 5:00 p.m. with a cash bar and the program begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by a very nice dinner.  The cost of the ticket is $100 for two.  Through this event, the skeet club is able to maintain their operation throughout the year.  Therefore, it is vital to  our cowboy town that we support the skeet club in this effort.


             Tickets will be available at the monthly match if you are interested in supporting the Florida Parishes Skeet and Gun Association.

Top Cowboy Shooter


Parson Delacroix

Top Cowgirl Shooter


Diamond Lilly