Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — July/August 2010 Edition

Text Box:

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Soiled Dove

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Bayou Blessings

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Top Shooters—July & August

Clean Stages—July & August

Appeals Process

Range Officer Course

New Shooters & Members

Wildlife & Fisheries Banquet

Sponsorships/Drawing Prizes

Hangin’ At Coyote Creek 2010

Welcome New Members!


“Boudreaux Sackett”   aka  Steve Culbertson

“Fairshake”  aka   David Schultz

“Kalico Keeve”  aka  Keeve Orr


Welcome New Shooter!


“Da Stranger”  aka  Frank Willoz

Text Box: Clean Stages – July
Boothill Coyote
Copperhill Charlie
Crazy Emmitt
Louisiana Cuz
Four Clean Stages
Diamondback Mac
Goofus Macooter
James Henry Parker
Marshal Big Daddy Jenks
Tobin Kid
Three Clean Stages
Big John Blackhawk
Buckshot Mitchell
Cajun Ace
Cap’n Dan
Cameo Rose
Dakota Steele
Gingo Ben
Clean Stages – August
Four Clean Stages
Dakota Steele
El Zopilote Mojado
Foard County News
Rattlesnake Blake
Three Clean Stages
Boothill Coyote
Cajun Ace
Gringo Ben
James Henry Parker
Marshal Big Daddy Jenks
Mountain Laurel
Tobin Kid







           The September match will be a time when you can adorn your Hawaiian attire, along with cowboy hat and boots if you desire.    According to Cubby, there will be prizes for best costume, as well as fastest shooter.  (Hawaiian attire is optional should you choose to dress in your regular cowboy attire.)

Text Box: Top Shooters—July Match
49’er Class:  Copperhead Charlie
	        Diamondback Mac
	        Crescent City Kid
Cowboy:  Macon A. Longshot
               Blackwater Jack
Duelist:  James Henry Parker
              Marshal Big Daddy Jenks
              Tobin Kid
Elder Statesman:  Louisiana Cuz
Frontier Cartridge:  Fairshake
Frontier Cartridge Duelist:  Cajun Ace
Gunfighter:  Crazy Emmitt
                   Bear River Smith
Lady 49’er:  Runnin Rose
Lady Frontier Cartridge: Cameo Rose
Lady Wranger:  Concho Pearl
	            Calladonia Parker
Senior:  Galvez
             Cap’n Dan
	 Gringo Ben
Silver Senior:  Pine Ridge Charlie
                      El Zopilote Mojado
B-Western:  Boothill Coyote
                       Buckshot Mitchell
                       Kid Charlemagne
Wrangler:  Parson Delacroix
                Goofus Macooter
                 Dakota Steele
Top Cowboy:  Parson Delacroix
Top Cowgirl  -  Concho Pearl
Text Box: Top Shooters—Aug. Match
49’er Class:  Dusty Mann
                    Big Dawg Daddy
B-Western:  Coyote Jack
                   Boothill Coyote
Classic Cowboy:  Cajun Ace
                          Kalico Keeve
Duelist:   James Henry Parker
	   Marshal Big Daddy Jenks
              Tobin Kid
Elder Statesman:  Louisiana Cuz
Gunfighter:  Crazy Emmitt
                   Bear River Smith
Lady 49’er:  Mountain Laurel
Lady Frontier Cartridge:  Cameo Rose
Lady Wrangler: Steele Magnolia
Senior:  Galvez
             Gringo Ben
             Soiled Dove	
Senior Duelist:  Rattlesnake Blake
		Doc Spudley
Silver Senior:  El Zopilote Mojado
                      Pine Ridge Charlie
Wrangler:  Dakota Steele
	     Devel Dawg
Top Cowboy  -  Galvez
Top Cowgirl  -  Soiled Dove


             Florida Parishes Skeet and Conservation Association held their 25th annual banquet during the month of August.   This program recognized the efforts of our state Wildlife and Fisheries Department and named the top agent of the year.  Our guest speaker this year was Morgan Smith who is a renounced leader in conservation efforts around the world.  Our appreciation to those who came out to support the skeet club through this effort.

Text Box: Stage Sponsorships and Shooter Prizes
Hangin’ at Coyote Creek
	There are two areas in which we could use some help from our pards:  Sponsorships and Prizes for the Drawing for Registered Shooters.  Below is a list of the various sponsorships available for the upcoming annual match:
Stage Sponsor			$200 in Cash, Merchandise  or Gift Certificate
Side Match Sponsorship	$100 in Cash, Merchandise or Gift Certificate
     		      						    					           Prize Buckle Sponsor		$50 Cash
Banquet Prize Sponsor		$25 Cash     (Donation toward purchase of banquet prizes)
 	If you or anyone you know may be interested in sponsoring a stage, please contact Cameo Rose for additional information.
	Prizes for the Drawing for Registered Shooters:  These items can be brought to the club during monthly matches or  on Wednesday nights.  We will need to have all prizes submitted by the October  match  in order to get them ready for distribution for the annual match.


SASS and the Bayou Bounty Hunters




Southwest  Territorial

Black  Powder  Shootout

(Black Powder and Smokeless Categories Available)


Hangin’ at Coyote Creek  -  2010

Nov. 12, 13, 14

Flyer/Registration < click



Text Box: Appeals Process  on the Line
As stated in the RO II handbook, “In the event a call is challenged at the line, the Range Officer should know the chain of command for directing the shooter to the next higher authority to settle the dispute.  It is just as important to observe an appropriate chain of command for a match as in any other organization.”
	Therefore, it is important to note that the chain of command at Coyote Creek is as follows:
		(1)  Timer/Operator
		(2)  Posse Leader
		(2)  Range Master -  Rattlesnake Blake
		(3)  Match Director -  Crazy Emmitt
		(4)  Should an appeal be necessary, this would be the final step.
Why Take A RO Course???	
Perhaps the thought of taking an RO class has crossed your mind, but you asked yourself the question, “But why?”  If you have no plans to be a posse leader, you may have wondered if there is a need for you to sit in on an RO class.
Any time we play a game, it always make us better players when we know the rules.  Ours is a sport where the rules of the game sometimes change from year to year.  In addition, you need to know the rules of the game to perhaps personally support your position if a call is may against an action that you have taken where you feel you were right in how you handled the situation.
There will be two upcoming RO classes (RO I and RO II) held at Coyote Creek in the coming months.  If you have not participated in a previous class, contact Rattlesnake Blake to register.  If you have participated in a previous class, it is recommended that you to occasionally review your material — or you may sit in and audit the class (no charge) as a refresher.