Coyote Creek Chronicle Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters—July 2007 Edition |
23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 Phone (714) 694-1800 Fax (714) 694-1815 |
Soiled Dove Print Editor / Publisher
Bayou Blessings Web Editor / Publisher |
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Wild Bunch Category
Welcome New Shooters and Club Members
Top Shooter—July
Clean Stages—July
Wildlife & Fisheries Banquet
Hangin’ At Coyote Creek 2007
Stage Sponsors & Prizes
What is it?
by Rattlesnake Blake
The Wild Bunch Category is not an official SASS category. A number of clubs around the country have been experimenting with this, ours being one of them. Basically, it involves an era from approximately 1884 to 1921 with the various clubs making rules governing the firearms to be used. Currently, there are no specific guidelines used either regionally or nationally. The Bayou Bounty Hunters have a set of rules established for our club, and we try to have a Wild Bunch Category on a quarterly basis. We have, from time to time, allowed pistols to be used that were not exactly within the specs on a one time basis for a shooter to try out the category. This usually is a form of the Colt 1911(or clone) which is not in the original conformation. Following this month’s match, we will have a meeting to review the parameters for this category. I have reviewed some of the things other clubs have done regarding the Wild Bunch firearms and rules, and I think that we may wish to amend or current rules to incorporate some of them. I look forward to meeting with all of those shooters interested in the Wild Bunch category after the August match in the clubhouse.
Allowed Firearms: Pistols: Any auto loading pistol manufactured prior to 1912. This included any variations of that pistol and or its clones, so long as they conform to the original appearance of that firearm. Changes in caliber from the original is acceptable. (An example would be a Mauser C96 broomhandle, which was chambered originally for the 7.63 Mauser cartridge. Models which were later chambered for 9mm Parabellum and .45 ACP would be acceptable). Rifles: Any pistol caliber rifle manufactured from 1884 to 1898 and or its clone is acceptable. Rifles manufactured prior to that time period would not be acceptable. Rifles must have exposed hammers. Auto loading pistols with attachable shoulder stocks may also be used. Shotguns: Any Winchester 1897 pump shotgun or its clone that is SASS legal is acceptable. SASS dictates that the only gauges acceptable for the ’97 is either 16 or 12 gauge. Rules: The course of fire will be the same as all other categories with the exception that only one pistol is used, and a reload of that pistol will be involved in place of a second pistol. Rifles are staged loaded with the chamber empty and with the hammer down; the same as all SASS rifles. Shotguns are staged empty with the action open. ATB shotguns may be stoked to capacity or to the required round count which ever is less. Pistols are staged loaded with the chamber empty, action closed and hammer down. Reloads with the pistol may be accomplished with a round in the chamber, and the pistol pointed down range if the second pistol is to be used following the first. Magazines that are dropped any time during the course of fire are dead rounds, and may not be picked up by the shooter. That also includes empty magazines. A range official will retrieve the magazine following the course of fire just as a dropped loaded round would be. Pistols may be returned to the holster with the action open. Remember that a dropped unloaded pistol is a stage DQ. Upon leaving the unloading table, the pistol must be carried in the holster with the action closed and the magazine removed unless the magazine is an integral part of the firearm. A pistol that is being used as a rifle with a shoulder stock cannot be used as a pistol on that given stage. Period correct leather and or web gear must be used. No nylon, plastic or other modern type of holster, belt or magazine pouch may be used. Normal SASS clothing is permissible; however, period correct clothing of the early 1900’s is also permitted. |
-Top Shooters-
July Match 49’er Class — Montana Moe Copperhead Charlie Cooper York
B-Western - Boothill Coyote Puddin
Classic Cowboy - Irish Pat
Duelist - Chipola Kid
Elder Statesman - Old Paul Frontier Cartridge - Cubbie
Gun Fighter - Taco Bill Buckshot Mitchell
Lady Frontier Cartridge Duelist - Cameo Rose
Lady Senior - Soiled Dove
Lady Traditional - Apache Belle Runnin’ Rose Dee Steele
Modern - T. J. Wild
Senior Duelist - Cap’n Dan Doc Spudley
SHOOTIST - Golden Dragon Tong Galvez Kid Parson Delacroix Diamond Lilly Prairie Dawg Dud Leatherneck Marshall Big Daddy Jenks Crazy Emmitt
Silver Senior - Louisiana Cuz
Traditional - Gen. Graveyard Fayard Dakota Steele Blacksmith Joe |
Wildlife and Fisheries Banquet Saturday, August 18, 2007 Amite, LA Florida Parishes Skeet and Gun Association is proud to announce their annual event in August. This event involves the Hunter Safety Course on Aug. 4th & 5th and the Wildlife and Fisheries Banquet on Aug. 18th. This program not only supports the efforts of our Wildlife and Fisheries Department, but also supports the operations of the skeet club throughout the year.
This Hunter Safety Course enables the club to educate young people to safely enjoy the sport of hunting, develop an appreciation for outdoor entertainment, and respect our natural resources. If you know anyone who may be interested in taking the Hunter Safety Course, please spread the word about this important program The course is free to everyone 10 years of age or older, and anyone born after 1970 must take this course in order to obtain a hunting license. (Free lunch is provided both days.)
At the banquet on Aug. 18th, there will be $1,500 in cash drawings given away. (Ticket holder need not be present to win.) The event begins at 5:00 p.m. with a cash bar and the program begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by a very nice dinner. The cost of the ticket is $100 for two. Through this event, the skeet club is able to maintain their operation throughout the year. Therefore, it is vital to our cowboy town that we support the skeet club in this effort.
Tickets will be available at the monthly match if you are interested in supporting the Florida Parishes Skeet and Gun Association. |
Top Cowboy Shooter
T J Wild |
Top Cowgirl Shooter
Diamond Lilly |