Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — January 2008 Edition

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

Scroll down to read about….



New Members / Shooters


Top Shooter—January


Clean Stages—January


Annual Meeting


Election of Officers


Newsletter Articles Needed


Mounted CAS Shooting


-Top Shooters-


January Match


49’er Class -   Golden Dragon Tong

                      Montana Moe

                      Marshal Big Daddy Jenks

B-Western  -  Cooper York

                     Old Paul


Buckeroo   -  Beaux Beaux Louis

Buckerette   -  Lady Mei Dragon

                      Daisy Derringer

Classic Cowboy  -  Kid Charlemagne

                           James Henry Parker

                           Cajun Ace

Duelist  -  Tobin Kid

                Chipola Kid

                Cicero Grimes

Gun Fighter  -  Pine Shadows Drifter

                       Boothill Coyote

                       Oliver Loving

Lady Forty-Niner  -  Diamond Lilly

                               Bayou Blessings

Lady Senior - Soiled Dove

Lady Traditional -  Apache Belle

                            Dee Steele

                            Sassy Schoolmarm        

Modern  -  Squirrely Bill

Senior - Gringo Ben

            El Zopilote Mojado

             Judge Max Time

Senior Duelist  -  Fuzzy Q. Jones


SHOOTIST  -  General Graveyard Fayard

                     T. J. Wild


Silver Senior  -  Louisiana Cuz

Traditional  -  Parson Delacroix

                     Durango Dan

                     Dakota Steele

Wild Bunch  -  El Otro Doc

                      Black Bart Smith

                      Rattlesnake Blake





Top Cowboy Shooter 


Parson Delacroix


Top Cowgirl Shooter


Diamond Lilly

Coyote Creek Chronicle


Articles are needed for the  newsletter.   All shooters are encouraged to contribute articles to share with fellow cowboys/cowgirls.  We would like for you to utilize the Coyote Creek Chronicle as your newsletters to express your thoughts and ideas.

 This can be anything from ideas concerning the range, matches you have attended, construction ideas or experiences with guns/ammo, etc.  You contributions in expanding he newsletter would be greatly appreciated.

       (You can email these to, fax  them to (985) 796-9611 or give them to someone at the range. )

Annual Membership Banquet

Date:  Saturday, January 26th

Time:  5:00  -  8:00

Place:  Clubhouse

Cost:  $15 per person


                 Once a year the Bayou Bounty Hunters hold their annual membership meeting.  It is a time for all of our cowboys and cowgirls to don Old West attire and come together for a nice meal, while attending to annual club business. 

             This year we will be holding election of officers.  Please see details concerning voting on page 3.

Family members and guests are cordially invited to join us.  This is an excellent time to invite a friend to introduce them to cowboy action shooting and to see our facilities at Florida Parishes Skeet Club in Amite, LA.    

Reservations are needed so that we can prepare meals for those attending.  Please send your reservation with your payment made out to the  Bayou Bounty Hunters to:

Soiled Dove aka Bettye Boggs, 345 Village Farms Lane, Folsom, LA  70437