Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — February 2011 Edition

Text Box:

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Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

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Text Box: Clean Stages  –  January Match
Rattlesnake Blake
Four Clean Stages
Copperhead Charlie
Louisiana Cuz
Three Clean Stages
Box-Canyon Bradford
Cottonmouth Clipper
Crunch Hardtack
Diamondback Mac
El Otro Doc
Goofus Macooter
Kalico Keeve
Razorback Latigo
Reload Don
Text Box: Annual Membership Banquet
January 29, 2011
 Secretarial Report – The reading of the minutes was suspended as the previous minutes had been printed and reviewed in the club newsletter.
 Treasury Report – The annual treasury report was presented and approved.  We have $12,911.14 in our checking account and $4,524.64 in our savings account.  Our annual match receipts were $8,647.00 and annual match disbursements was 6,269.88 for Hangin’ at Coyote Creek – 2010.
 Territorial Governor   
Of the four items at the December 2010 Summit, one passed.  The Burgess rifle for B-Western was approved.  As of the Summit, only RO Instructors can teach RO I and RO II classes.  
Rules violation that is observed when it is not your posse – It is Ok to quietly talk with the posse marshal about the infraction.  If it is brushed off, take it to the match official (range master or match director).  Let them deal with it from there.
The official coach for a shooter is the Timer Operator.  The spotters are also match officials, and they are expected to coach the shooter only on safety items, round counts and knock down targets. 
The boot soles description for Classic Cowboy will be changed to include “no lug soles.”
The timer operator is the only person that can offer a restart (not to be confused with a re-shoot) for a shooter having difficulty before the first round goes downrange.
Shotgun ammo slides cannot be worn over shotgun loops.
Wild Bunch Category – Clubs can call a match Wild Bunch only if they follow SASS Wild Bunch guidelines.  Some clubs throughout the country have adopted a Professionals category.  Guidelines for this category have been presented to our local club, as well as to other clubs in our region.
Political Update 
Crazy Emmitt, dressed as a parson and holding the Holy Bible, presented an interesting insight from a reading in Luke 22:36.  Jesus was  instructing his disciples.  “Jesus asked them this question.  ‘When I sent you without purse, bag, or sandals, did you lack anything?’  They replied, ‘nothing.’  He then said to them that now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”  This scripture points to our responsibility to be prepared to defend yourselves and your family.  We have a responsibility to our loved ones and our community to protect them and ourselves.  An example of a situation in the state of Florida was presented.
General Business
The Florida Parishes Skeet Club officers in attendance were recognized by Rattlesnake Blake, who is currently serving as president of the skeet club.  He presented a background on the relocation of the Bayou Bounty Hunters to our present range in Amite.  At this time there has been a merger of the two clubs, as many Bayou Bounty Hunters are also members of Florida Parishes Skeet Club, and we now think with one thought.  He encouraged the support of the FPSC, particularly through the Wildlife and Fisheries Banquet which is a major fund raiser for the skeet club.
Future activities available to skeet club members include:  expanding the camping facilities which now include hookup’s with water and electricity; canoe trips on the river; building a corral so that we can expand the facility to include mounted cross country events; long range and skeet shooting opportunities. 
Fisher House Charity Shoot  is schedule for the fourth weekend in March.  We hope to surpass our $10,000 donation that we raised in 2010.  Please continue to secure  contributions from friends, associates and businesses.  A 503C donation form has been emailed to all members and the registration form is also available via email and on our web site (
Foard County News offered displays of Hire a Gunslinger posters which he can assist shooters in inserting their pictures for getting donations for the charity shoot.  You can contact him for further information.
The Bayou Bounty Hunters will be hosting the 2011 Louisiana State Championship at the November match  -  Hangin’ at Coyote Creek, 2011.
Skeet Shooting – Prairie Dawg Dude has offered to provide skeet shooting instruction to interested shooters.  A set date will be decided and sent via email.
Long Range Shooting – Set times for long range practice shooting have not been established and sent to the general membership.  El Otro Doc will be involved in helping shooters improve their long range shooting experiences.
Pistol Range Improvement – Improving the pistol range is being addressed.  We are looking into placing retractable targets on the pistol range (Stage 1).
Range Development
There was a proposal to build another loading/unloading table at a maximum cost of $500 per year until we secure the number of loading /unloading table we desire.  A brow to the front of the table will be made to protect the guns on the table from rain.  This was approved.
A detailed drawing of the proposed jail / sheriff’s office was presented by Kentucky Tom.  The estimate of building the structure was $3000.  The building project was approved.
New Business
Copperhead Charlie made a proposal that we have a Sunday shoot on the fourth weekend of the first month of each quarter (Jan./April/July/Oct.).  He, Goofus Macooter, and Runnin’ Rose will be coordinating this additional shoot day.
Text Box: Top Shooters / Jan. Match
49’er Class
	Macon A. Longshot
	Copperhead Charlie
	Diamondback Mac
	Rawhide Slim
	Dakota Steele
Classic Cowboy
	Kalico Keeve
	Sue E
	Marshal Big Daddy Jenks
	Chipola Kid
	Cicero Grimes
Elder Statesman
	Louisiana Cuz
	Kentucky Tom
Frontier Cartridge
Gun Fighter
	Boothill Coyote
Junior Boy
	Box-Canyon Bradford
Lady Forty Niner
	Mountain Laurel
Lady B-Western
	Concho Pearl
Lacy Wranger
	Sassy Schoolmarm
	Cap’n Dan
	Allegheny Drover
Senior Duelist
	Cooper York
Silver Senior
	Pine Ridge Charlie
	El Zopilote Mejado
	Goofus Macooter
	Gentilly Gent
	El Otro Doc
	Rattlesnake Blake
	Woodie B. Western
Top Cowboy:  Macon A. Longshot
Top Cowgirl:  Concho Pearl
Text Box: Pets at the Gun Club
 	I am communicating to you this time not as your TG, but as the President of the Florida Parishes Skeet and Gun Club.  It was brought to my attention that a member had brought their dog into the clubhouse, and that the pet left a deposit (fecal) on the floor.  Miss Sally found it and cleaned it up.  This is not one of her duties.  The members had been camping at the club, and had come into the club house while camped there; hence, Miss Sally was aware of who it was and when.
 	We have been very liberal in regards to pets being in the clubhouse.  From this point on, if a pet is in the club house they will be on a leash or in a container that restrains their movement.  If for some reason that pet leaves any kind of deposit in the clubhouse, the owner/caretaker will thoroughly clean up the mess at once.  Any further problems with pets in the clubhouse will initiate immediate prohibition of any pets in the clubhouse.  I strongly suggest that we police ourselves in this matter so that we can enjoy our pets, and yet not inconvenience others while exercising this privilege.
	I dislike having to address the membership in this manner; however, since many of us do enjoy having our pets with us, I find in necessary to inform the membership en toto.  If you do happen to see someone disregarding these policies, please address it with them immediately so that the rest of us are not punished for their actions.
 Greg Boggs, President FPSGC
Text Box:               
       Bayou Bounty Hunter  Happenings    
Fisher House Charity Shoot / March 25, 26, 27th  -  All proceeds donated to this worthy cause.  Mark your calendar and please collect contribution to this worthy event..
Louisiana State Championship at Hangin’ at Coyote Creek 2011.  November 11, 12, 13th — The Bayou Bounty Hunters will be hosting the state championship this coming year.
Join Florida Parishes Skeet Club for shooting privileges on the cowboy range seven days a week, camping facilities, and skeet shooting on Wed., Sat., and Sun.  (Only FPS members are entitled to range privilege at times other than scheduled events.)  At this time, the $100 initiation is being waived and you can join for only $200 per year.  
Wed. night dinner is served at the clubhouse at 6:00 p.m.  FPS members are invited to enjoy  Ms. Sally’s delicious and reasonably priced meals while we spend an evening socializing.
New Shooter Orientation is conducted by Crazy Emmitt.  Interested new shooters need to contact Crazy 
Emmitt to arrange their orientation prior to shooting a regularly scheduled match. 
Annual dues are payable in January of each year.

       Construction Report


        Presented by Kentucky Tom at the January Annual Banquet



           Range Improvement Items for 2011



                         *1.  Build 2nd Permanent Load/Unload Stations with shade roofs. Add brow to front of roof.

                                      Estimate - $500.          


                   *2.  Build  Jail at Barricade position. Porch roof and false front on main section.  Alternative                                          ground level porch deck.  Estimate  -  $3000.


                          3.   Build lockable cabinets into Hotel for keys, paint, props, etc.


                          4.    Extend berm between mine and fort with remaining ties.


                          5.    Replace all vertical long gun racks with horizontal racks.


              6.   Build additional target stands to replace old ones which require tires to hold them up.


                          7.    New larger Outhouse (for shooting). Convert existing outhouse to hold target and have

                                        remote opening door.


              8.  Finish the Mine. Add shafts down range for shooting out the sides.


                         *9.   Design and  Build  new façade  for Storefront, move old one out for target placement.


                          10.   Canvas roof for fort.


                          11.   Carve out space in berm for loading table for Bay # 2.


                                       *  =  Major project, work hours and money.




Completed Range Improvements in 2010



                      1.   Completed 1st  Covered Loading/Unloading Table                                                                                      

                  2.     Rebuilt a number of stage gun tables, Lowered left side gun table gallows for improved access.


             3.    Improved Levers for raising inline KD targets

Construction Report

Top Shooters—January Match

Clean Stages—January Match

Pets at the Club House

BBH Events