Coyote Creek Chronicle Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — February 2008 Edition |
23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 Phone (714) 694-1800 Fax (714) 694-1815 |
Soiled Dove Print Editor / Publisher
Bayou Blessings Web Editor / Publisher |
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Top Shooters—February
Clean Stages—February
Welcome New Shooters
Rattlesnakes Den
March/April Classes
March Side Match
Construction Report
Club Dues Payable in January
Club Happenings
Get Well Boothill Coyote! |
Top Shooters / Feb. Match
49’er Class Jingle Bob Ford Copperhead Charlie Cooper York Classic Cowboy James Henry Parker Cajun Ace Irish Pat Duelist Tobin Kid Cicero Grimes Crunch Hardtack Elder Statesman El Otro Doc Old Paul Frontier Cartridge Duelist Kentucky Tom Dakota Steele Frontiersman Oliver Loving Gun Fighter Crazy Emmitt Taco Bill Lady Frontier Cartridge Cameo Rose Lady Senior Soiled Dove Lady Traditional Runnin’ Rose Senior Cookie Gringo Ben Prairie Dawg Dud Senior Duelist Rattlesnake Blake Fuzzy Q. Jones Cubbie SHOOTIST Golden Dragon Tong Parson Delacroix Diamond Lilly Silver Senior Louisiana Cuz Puddin Traditional Prairieville Ponchatrain P. Shooter Goofus Macootter
Top Cowboy Shooter Golden Dragon Tong
Top Cowgirl Shooter Diamond Lilly |
Classes Being Offered - March / April
Ladies Class: Saturday, March 1st, 9:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse. This is a class for ladies which is being taught by ladies. No experience required. However, if you have been shooting and would like to brush up on your skills Diamond Lilly will be there to guide you along the way. Bring your guns or we will also provide them for new shooters.
Long Range Rifle Class: Saturday, March 29 (fifth Sat. of the month), 9:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse. This class is being taught by El Otro Doc who is a world class long range shooter.
RO I Class: Friday, April 18th. This class is being taught by Rattlesnake Blake in the morning on side match day at Showdown in Purgatory, which is the Mississippi State Championship this year. The class material can be downloaded from the SASS web site prior to the class. The cost of the class $10 and RO I pins will be issued upon successful completion of the class. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For Additional Information: Contact Rattlesnake Blake at (985) 796-9698 or