Coyote Creek Chronicle Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — December 2007 Edition |
23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 Phone (714) 694-1800 Fax (714) 694-1815 |
Soiled Dove Print Editor / Publisher
Bayou Blessings Web Editor / Publisher |
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January—Wild Bunch Category
Top Shooter—December
Clean Stages—December
TG Summit
Minimum Standards
Power Factors
Shotgun Rounds
Rattlesnake’s Den
Welcome New Member!
“Daisy Derringer” aka Heather Shields (Granddaughter of Cooper York)
Welcome New Shooters! “LA Gremlin” aka Richard Gremillion “T-Joe” aka Joseph Ory |
-Top Shooters- December Match
49’er Class — Copperhead Charlie Golden Dragon Tong Foard County News Classic Cowboy - Cajun Ace Kid Charlemagne Duelist - Cap’n Dan Tobin Kid Cicero Grimes Elder Statesman - El Otro Doc Old Paul Boothill Coyote Gun Fighter - Crazy Emmitt Oliver Loving Marion Mosby Lady Frontier Cartridge - Cameo Rose Lady Senior - Yankee Derringer Lady Traditional - Runnin’ Rose Sue E Sassy Schoolmarm Modern - Big John Blackhawk Senior - Cookie El Zopilote Mojado Judge Max Time Senior Duelist - Doc Spudley Cubbie SHOOTIST - T. J. Wild Prairie Dawg Dud Graveyard Fayard Galvez Prairieville Black Bart Smith Parson Delacroix Silver Senior - Coyote Jack Louisiana Cuz Pipeline Cowboy Traditional - Cooper York Ponchatrain P. Shooter Reload Don
Top Cowboy Shooter T. J. Wild
Top Cowgirl Shooter Cameo Rose |
SASS Territorial Governor Summit - 2007 Tally of Votes – Action Shooter Items 1. Should we change the current Classic Cowboy category rules to require Chaps, Chinks or Botas and Spurs at all times and drop the other clothing requirements to three choices. For: 112 (40.58%) Against: 160 (57.97%) Abstain: 4 (1.45%) FAIL 2. As of now you may get as many Minor Safety penalties as you incur per stage. Should we change the rules to limit Minor Safety penalties to one per firearm per stage? For: 124 (44.93%) Against: 150 (54.35%) Abstain: 2 (0.72%) FAIL
3. As of now you are not committed to the stage until the first round goes down range. Should we change the rule to read as follows: A shooter, if properly started, is committed to the stage once the timer sounds. For: 84 (30.43%) Against: 190 (68.84%) Abstain: 2 (0.72%) FAIL
4. The largest maximum Shot size currently allowed is a #4. Should we change the maximum shot size to a #7 ½? For: 72 (26.09%) Against: 198 (71.74%) Abstain: 6 (2.17%) FAIL
5. Should we adopt the Proposed New Long Range Optical Category with rules as follows: a. No length or power limitation on the scope. Scope tube body to be ¾” or less in diameter and any ocular or objective lenses, adjusting or assembly rings to be less than 1” in diameter. b. No internal scope adjustments for windage or elevation. c. Mounts are to be of a traditional style of the period and contain the windage and elevation adjustments for the scope in either, or both, the front or rear mounts. No click adjustments in the mount. Either dove tail mounting or scope block mounting is allowed. d. Original scope mounts of either the Cataract or Malcom style or variations thereof, or replicas or derivative conforms to the criteria of paragraph above. This rule matches exactly with the NRA Rifle Silhouette Rules of March 2005. For: 242 (90.30%) Against: 26 (9.70%) Abstain: 8 (2.90%) PASSED
SASS Minimum Ammunition Standards: A history of minimum Standards: Ammunition standards for Cowboy Action Shooting were set in the early days to ensure all competitor’s loads were in a safe velocity range for shooting at the various types of targets used in Cowboy Action Shooting. Beginning ammunition standards were set at a maximum of 1000 fps for revolver ammunition and 1400 fps for rifle ammunition and a minimum of 650 fps for both rifle and revolver ammunition. During the Territorial Governor Summit of 1999, the minimum standard was deemed arbitrary and was set aside until testing could prove a better solution. After testing, input from various sources, and a study of current trends the Wild Bunch has determined the time has come to reestablish a new minimum standard for ammunition used in Cowboy Action Shooting. There were two other announcements made at the Territorial Governors Summit. One announcement concerned Power Factors and other concerned shotgun ammunition. Below are the official announcements. |