Coyote Creek Chronicle

Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters—August/September 2007 Edition

23255 La Palma Avenue

Yorba Linda, California   92887

Phone (714) 694-1800

 Fax (714) 694-1815

Soiled Dove

Print Editor / Publisher


Bayou Blessings

Web Editor / Publisher

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Welcome New Shooters and

             Club Members


Top Shooter—August/September


Clean Stages—August/September


Wild Bunch Category Change


Hangin’ At Coyote Creek 2007


Election of Officers


Rattlesnake’s Den



Howdy Pards, this here is ole Rattlesnake a’scribblin to ya.  The August match

sure was a hot one.  Cuz deserves a load of thanks for those who shot early. 

It was his plan to have an early posse during the hot months.  It also gave the

shooters who shot at the regular time a break by allowing for smaller posses

which finished in record time.  We were able to finish before the full heat of the

day descended upon us.  My hat’s off to Cuz.

             The Wild Bunch category seems to be growing in popularity.  If I am not mistaken, it was the largest category for the August match.  Those of us who played in that category had a ball.  We did magazine changes, shot vintage automatic pistols, and some of us even got to shoot pistols with shoulder stocks for our rifle.  And, how about stoking them ‘97’s!  The Wild Bunch shooters got together at the end of the match to discuss changes within the class.  We came up with some new rules, and they sure make shootin’ the Wild Bunch a whole lot more fun.  Check out the article in this issue covering the new rules for the Wild Bunch category.  We still plan to have that category on a quarterly basis.  The next time we will be shooting it will be December, since the quarter will fall in November and that will be Hangin’.

             I am asking all of our shooters to NOT drive on the paved path leading from the club house to the Cowboy range.  Someone already has, and doing so breaks down the sides of the path.  Continuing to do so will damage the path that was a lot of hard work to build.  If you are going to park down by the path, please park on either the east or west side of the path, but do not drive over or on it.  The cowboys who worked on it will surely appreciate it.

             Hangin’ is coming.  It’s only a couple of months away.  We will need stage drivers for each posse.  Those folks need to be RO I’s at the very least, as well as being up on all of the rules ( that includes all of the new ones ).  I will be holding an RO I class and possibly an RO II class prior to Hangin’.  I encourage those of you who have not taken the class to please do so.  I also encourage all those cowboys and cowgirls who have graduated from one or both of the classes and who have not taken either course within the last year to audit the RO I class.  There is no cost to audit the class, and you do not have to take the test; however, it is an excellent way to catch up on all of the latest rule changes and additions.  I look forward to seeing you all in class.

             The Three Witches are doing a great job bringing Hangin’ off this year.  They have done a terrific job in the past, and they are surpassing their previous efforts.  That having been said, they cannot do it all alone.  There are many positions to fill to make this come off well.  I ask that the members of our club step up and volunteer to help out.  If enough members step up, there will not be such a load on those who have and those who will. 

             I look forward to seeing all of you in October.  May the Good Lord take a’shinin to ya, an  remember to keep yore powder dry.

-Top Shooters-


August Match


49’er Class:  Jubal Early

                   Montana Moe

                    Copperhead Charlie


Buckerette:  Little Bonnie Blue


Duelist:  Cicero Grimes

              Chipola Kid

             Blacksmith Joe


Elder Statesman:  Old Paul

                            Boothill Coyote


Frontier Cartridge:  Cubbie


Gunfighter:  Marion Mosby


Lady 49’er:  Diamond Lilly


Lady Senior:  Soiled Dove


Lady Traditional:  Runnin Rose


Modern:  T. J. Wild


Senior:  Prairie Dawg Dud




Senior Duelist:  Doc Spudley


Silver Senior:  Louisiana Cuz


Traditional:  Graveyard Fayard

                   Parson Delacroix

                   Cooper York


WILD BUNCH:  Rattlesnake Blake


                       Crazy Emmitt




Top Cowboy Shooter 

Jubal Early


Top Cowgirl Shooter

Diamond Lilly



September Matcha


49’er Class:  Marshal Big Daddy Jenks

                    Malone LaVeigh

                    Allegheny Drover


B-Western:  Boothill Coyote


Classic Cowboy:  Gumbo Bandit

                          Cajun Ace

                           James Henry Parker


Duelist:  Tobin Kid

              Fuzzy Q. Jones

              Reload Don


Frontier Cartridge:  Smoken Preacher


Frontier Cartridge Duelist:  Kentucky Tom


Gun Fighter:  Crazy Emmitt


Lady 49’er:  Bayou Blessings


Lady Frontier Cartridge:  Cameo Rose


Lady Senior:  Soiled Dove


Lady Traditional:  Cataluma

                           Runnin Rose

                          Calla Donia Parker


Senior:  Gringo Ben


              Judge Max Time


Senior Duelist:  Doc Spudley

                        Cajun Brass


Shootist:  Parson Delacroix


               Montana Moe


Silver Senior:  Cheyenne Hawkeye


Traditional:  Ponchatrain P. Shooter

                   Cooper York




Top Cowboy Shooter

Parson Delacroix


Top Cowgirl Shooter

Soiled Dove



A meeting was held following our August Wild Bunch match and the follow changes were discussed :


HANDGUNS:  Two handguns may be used in this category if desired.  A shooter may also opt to continue with the former practice of using one handgun and perform a reload.  Automatic pistols may be loaded with a round in the chamber with the safety on (must have a functioning safety), and holstered or staged as directed.  If the pistol is to be staged out of the holster, the pistol must be brought to the line in a holster, and then properly staged.  The use of a double action revolver designed and manufactured prior to 1922 is allowed.  Revolvers may be reloaded with the use of half-moon clips.  Handguns may be used in the gunfighter style ( ala “Last Man Standing” ).


RIFLES:  Rifles must still be post 1883 manufacture, however, they may be of design/manufacture up to 1922.  Rifles must still be of pistol caliber.  The use of automatic pistols with a shoulder stock are still allowed.  An automatic pistol used in such a manner as a rifle may be loaded with a round in the chamber and the safety on ( must have a functioning   safety ).  Maintaining absolute muzzle control is mandatory and will be strictly adhered to.  Further, semi-automatic versions of submachine guns of that era are allowed as long as they comply with the guidelines governing main match rifles.


SHOTGUNS:  The 1897 Winchester shotgun and its clones is still allowed, and the 1887 Winchester shotgun and its clones will also be allowed.  Both shotguns may be stoked to capacity or to the number of rounds called for in the stage whichever is lesser.  Shotguns will still be staged empty with the action open unless specifically otherwise called for.


LONG RANGE RIFLE:  Military style rifles pre-1922 will be allowed in a Wild Bunch Category for long range rifle.  Optics manufactured prior to 1922 or their clones will be allowed.  Lead bullets are required, but may utilize gas checks.  It is highly recommended to load ammunition for these rifles at the bottom of the recommended loading guidelines for their respective cartridges.  Any round over the berm is an automatic match DQ.


RULES:  All previous rules governing the Wild Bunch Category are still in effect unless amended by this change.  All ammunition will be of pistol caliber ( with the exception of long range rifle ) and composed of lead. No jacketed ammunition is allowed. Automatic pistols may be loaded with a round in the chamber with the safety on (must have a functioning safety), and holstered or staged as directed.  If the pistol is to be staged out of the holster, the pistol must be brought to the line in a holster, and then properly staged. An automatic pistol with a shoulder stock used as a rifle may be loaded with a round in the chamber and the safety on ( must have a functioning   safety ).  Maintaining absolute muzzle control is mandatory and will be strictly adhered to. Shotguns will still be staged empty with the action open unless specifically otherwise called for.

Since firearms will be allowed to be loaded with a round in the chamber with the safety on, it is of utmost importance that strict safety be adhered to at the loading table and the firing line.  Both the shooter and the loading table officer must verify that the firearm has the safety engaged once the firearm is loaded.


NEW SHOOTERS TO WILD BUNCH:  Due to these changes and the higher level of safety required, any shooter who has not participated in shooting a Wild Bunch category in a match must take and pass a practical orientation class with either the Range Master or a New Shooter Instructor.  Further, any shooter who is deemed to not be safe and or sufficiently proficient in the use of Wild Bunch firearms must take and pass a practical orientation class for shooting Wild Bunch prior to shooting that category again.  Any  range officer ( this includes loading table officers ) who experiences a shooter who demonstrates unsafe and or poor handling of Wild Bunch firearms, will immediately stop the shooter from continuing the stage.  The shooter has the option to finish the match using standard main match SASS firearms, and will be placed in the appropriate category.  A practical orientation will include the shooter demonstrating the proper safe and proficient use of the firearms to be used in the Wild Bunch category.

Bayou Bounty Hunters

Election of Officers

(January 2008 through December 2009)



The election of officers will take place at the annual membership meeting in January.  Officers for the Bayou Bounty Hunters serve a two-year period.   Therefore, it is time to nominate club officers who direct the club for the following two year period


 Nominations can be made for any of the positions below, as long as the member is one in good standing (dues paid for the current year) and is willing to serve in that capacity.  Please ask the nominee if he/she is willing to serve prior to  making a nomination.  A list of officer duties will be distributed at the monthly matches.  The Board of Directors is made up of nine officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Territorial Governor, and four at-large board members.


If you are interested is nominating someone for one of these positions, please send the nomination in writing to the secretary (Soiled Dove) by the December 1, 2007.