Coyote Creek Chronicle Newsletter of the Bayou Bounty Hunters — August 2011 Edition |
23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 Phone (714) 694-1800 Fax (714) 694-1815 |
Soiled Dove Print Editor / Publisher
Bayou Blessings Web Editor / Publisher |
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Welcome New Member!
“William T. Phillips” aka Gordon Bresemann
Welcome New Shooter!
“Water Dragon” aka Serena McLin |
Clean Stages – Aug. (Sat. Match)
Four Clean Stages
Crunch Hardtack Diamond Lilly Marshal Big Daddy Jenks
Three Clean Stages
Blackwater Jack Cameo Rose Cookie Cole Trigger Cooper York Copperhead Charlie Crazy Emmitt Duke City Deadeye Foard County News Goofus Macooter Kalico Keeve Kentucky Tom Leatherneck Macon A. Longshot Parson Delacroix Rattlesnake Blake Red River Rudy Soiled Dove
Clean Stages – Aug. (Sun.)
Four Clean Stages Louisiana Cuz
Three Clean Stages Copperhead Charlie Soiled Dove
Top Shooters — Aug. (Saturday Match)
49’er Class Parson Delacroix Duke City Deadeye Copperhead Charlie Buckerette Water Dragon Cowboy Dakota Steele Blackwater Jack Gentilly Gent Duelist Marshal Big Daddy Jenks Red River Rudy Tobin Kid Elder Stateman Louisiana Cuz Kentucky Tm Old Paul Gunfighter Crazy Emmitt Lady Forty-Niner Dixie Deadeye Lady Duelist Runnin’ Rose Lady Frontier Cartridge Cameo Rose Lady Senior Diamond Lilly Soiled Dove Lady Wrangler Concho Pearl Steele Magnolia Senior Galvez Leatherneck Senior Duelist Rattlesnake Blake Cubby Doc Spudley Silver Senior Cookie Razorback Latigo El Zopilote Mejado Wrangler Macon A. Longshot Goofus Macooter Logan Sackett
Top Cowboy— Parson Delacroix Top Cowgirl—Diamond Lilly |
Wisconsin Becomes 49th State to Add Conceal Carry. By: Foard County News Early July 8th, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walked signed legislation making Wisconsin the 49th state to offer conceal carry to its citizens. This ended a hard fought, decade long struggle for its citizens to carry concealed firearms. The law takes effect November 1, and already classes are filling fast. Being near last to enact CCW gave legislators the opportunity to broadly define the law with elements that citizens in other states already enjoy. Some of these elements were designed to circumvent municipalities’ attempts to restrict CCW privileges. Among these practices by antigun municipalities, were to either enact local laws more stringent than state law, or rely on citizens lacking the financial resources to fight wrongful prosecution. The Wisconsin Legislature enjoined counties and cities from enacting laws more restrictive than state law. Going further, the Wisconsin law holds such public entities both civilly and criminally liable for violating citizens’ firearms rights. Municipalities while chafing under these statues have already instructed their attorneys to ensure their present laws comply with the state law. Other elements in the state law were clauses that immunized companies and establishments from gun crimes committed on their property provided they allowed legal firearm possession. Places that prohibit legal possession of firearms enjoy no such immunity. News agencies reported that some anti-gun groups removed their “No Guns Allowed” signage rather than risk suits from gun crimes committed on their properties. On the heels of this Second Amendment victory, the Nation Rifle Association filed suit in Illinois courts saying in light of the Wisconsin law and Supreme Court decisions, that the courts should instruct Illinois to allow gun ownership. The argument being forwarded by the NRA is that the Illinois government’s attitude towards firearms ownership is a sort of “odd man out.” To bolster their claims, the NRA cited laws that jurisdictions enacted with requirements impossible for their citizens to meet. In particular the NRA focused on the training requirements. Lawyers for the association called the court’s attention to laws requiring gun owners to receive firearm instruction at pistol ranges. These same jurisdictions, using their zoning laws, prevented the opening of these ranges. Some ordinances demanded unreasonable parking requirements and that the range have at least one range safety officer for every three shooting lanes. Illinois is not the only government receiving this kind of attention. In Washington, DC, home of the Heller decision that established the Second Amendment as an individual right not a collective one, was about to run afoul of the US Congress over these rights. When DC’s sole FFL lost his lease within the city boundaries, city officials were forced to spring into action. Washington, DC does not have any gun shops for its residents. Citizens wishing to exercise their civil rights to own a firearm must transfer one from another state. Without an FFL within the District of Columbia, residents had no means of transferring firearms legally within the District. City leaders feared that Congress might not wait very long for the city to correct this problem. Rather than accept firearms on Congressional terms, the city quickly leased space to the FFL in the city police department. Few prospective gun owners regard this as satisfactory considering the adversarial relationship with city agencies. Only time will tell if new legal challenges will need to be filed. No one should ever feel that these recent victories cannot be rolled back. They most certainly can. Gun owners should relish these wins just like football teams do. Celebrate, decompress, and then get ready for the next game…the opposing team surely is! |
Top Shooters—Aug. (Sunday Match)
49’er Class Copperhead Charlie Duke City Deadeye Cowboy Gentilly Gent Classic Cowboy Cajun Ace Duelist Marshal Big Daddy Jenks Red River Rudy Cole Trigger Elder Stateman Louisiana Cuz Kentucky Tom Lady Forty-Niner Dixie Deadeye Mountain Laurel Senior Galvez Soiled Dove Senior Duelist Cubby Wrangler
Logan Sackett Goofus Macooter
Top Cowboy - Logan Sackett Top Cowgirl - Soiled Dove |
Range Officer I Class - Sunday, September 11thAn RO I Class is being taught on Sunday, September 11th at 1:00 p.m. in the clubhouse at the range. If you have not already taken the course or if you would like to take it as a refresher (audit), contact Rattlesnake Blake (985-796-9698 / for more information. Course material can be downloaded from the SASS web site prior to the course, or you can get a copy when you arrive for the class. The RO I Class is the “meat and potatoes” of CAS. Due to some changes that have occurred regarding the rules, it is advisable that you audit the class (no charge) if you would like.
Why Take An RO Course?
Perhaps the thought of taking an RO class has crossed your mind, but you have asked yourself the question, “But why?” If you have no plans of being a posse leader, you may have wondered if there is a need for you to sit in on an RO class. Any time we play a game, it always makes us better players when we know the rules of the game. Ours is a sport where the rules sometimes change from year to year. In addition, you need to know the rules of the game to perhaps personally support your position if a call is made regarding your shooting where you feel you were right in how you handled the situation. There will be two upcoming Range Officer classes (RO I and RO II) held at Coyote Creek in the coming months. If you would like to register for either of the two classes, contact Rattlesnake Blake. If you have participated in a previous class, it is recommended that you occasionally audit the class (no charge) to update yourself on changes that have taken place. |
Clean Match Buckle Competition At our 2011 annual banquet Goofus Macooter announce his sponsorship of a very nice award buckle to be given away to the monthly shooter who has the most clean matches throughout the year. The competition runs from Hangin’ at Coyote Creek 2010 through the October match in 2011 (twelve month period). The presentation will be presented at Hangin’ at Coyote Creek 2011. Like Wyatt Earp said, “In a gun fight, take your time in a hurry.” Standings at this time: Nov. 2010 – Rattlesnake Blake, Louisiana Cuz Dec. 2010 – Crunch Hardtack , Louisiana Cuz Jan. 2011 – Rattlesnake Blake Feb. 2011 – El Otro Doc March 2011 – Cajun Ace, El Zopilote Mejado, Louisiana Cuz, T-Joe April 2011 – Foard County News, El Otro Doc May 2011 – Big John Blackhawk, Cajun Ace, Cooper York, Diamondback Mac, El Otro Doc, Foard County News, Galvez, Soiled Dove, T-Joe June 2011 – Cap’n Dan July 2011 – Crunch Hardtack, Louisiana Cuz, Rattlesnake Blake Aug 2011 - Buckshot Mitchell, Louisiana Cuz |
Stage Sponsorships and Shooter Prizes Hangin’ at Coyote Creek Pards: There are several areas in which we could use your help for the upcoming annual match. * Sponsorships - used to fund the general expenses of the match * Prizes for the Drawing for all Registered Shooters Below is a list of the sponsorships available: Stage Sponsor $200 in Cash, Merchandise or Gift Certificate Side Match Sponsorship $100 in Cash, Merchandise or Gift Certificate Prize Buckle Sponsor $50 Cash Banquet Prize Sponsor $25 Cash (Used to purchase of banquet prizes)
Stage and side match sponsors receive recognition in the shooter booklet. Therefore, this is an opportunity for you to approach businesses who may be interested in supporting cowboy action shooting and receiving advertisement in the shooter booklet. (If you have someone interested, you can print the sponsorship form which I emailed or contact me for another copy.) If you or anyone you know may be interested in sponsoring a stage, please contact Cameo Rose . If several shooters would like to go together and sponsor a stage, that would be greatly appreciated as well. Prizes for the Drawing for Registered Shooters: These items can be brought to the club during monthly matches or on Wednesday nights. We will need to have all prizes submitted by the October match in order to get them ready for distribution for the annual match. The annual match should draw over 100 shooters so we are in need of prizes. |
Cowboy Action Shooting Youth Program
We have developed a youth program to introduce our sport to young shooters under the supervision of a parent/guardian.
Our Goal: To introduce young people to the pleasures and responsibilities of the shooting sports within the framework of the traditional Old West while using single action revolvers, rifles and a shot gun. Our #1 priority is SAFETY. There will be qualified firearms instructors present and local range officers of the Bayou Bounty Hunters to assist in developing the shooting skills of these young folks. Our intent is to provide a family-friendly shooting environment which can be enjoyed by all.
The program is being presented as follows:
* The shooting competition is staged in a unique, characterized, "Old West" style.
* It is a timed sport in which shooters compete for prestige on a course of different shooting stages. Each scenario, as they are called, features an array of situations, many based on famous incidents or movies scenes, in which the shooters test their skills against steel targets.
* Our young shooters under the age of fourteen, who are referred to as buckaroos and buckaretts, can shoot 22 caliber revolvers and rifles and a 410 caliber shotgun. They will receive training in NRA safety instructions & Cowboy Acton Shooting orientation in order to embed the importance of SAFETY 1st and FUN.
Additional contact information can be found on our local web site: or you can have interested parties contact:
Gregory & Bettye Boggs 985-796-9698
2nd Annual Hawaiian Costume Contest August Clean Match August Top Shooters Welcome New Members Buckle Contest Wisconsin—49 CCW State Hangin’ Sponsorship & Prizes Hangin’ info Vigilante Justice CAS Youth Program