Covering the Agenda items as presented at the meeting:

* Dusty Sometimes presented a detailed Treasury Report (copies available at the club house for your review) regarding our total receipts for the fiscal year and our total expenditures. We had a net profit on the annual match, Hangin’ at Coyote Creek. Our major expenditures this past year went to range development, with the building of the mine and sheriff’s office along with catching up with some previous year’s reimbursable construction expenses. We also had a large expenditure on our new, large targets.

* Rattlesnake Blake presented the TG Report noting that Sass is in a state of flux and there are several schools of thought regarding this which was presented in recent articles in the Cowboy Chronicle. Attracting new members will be one of our focuses in the coming year.

* Tobin Kid presented the President’s Report and outlined our club history prior to Katrina, the moving of the club to Amite and the overwhelming support that we have received from the skeet club. He noted the excellent club facilities, camping facilities and our ever-expanding cowboy town. He also thank Nick Brocato from the skeet club for all of the support we have received over the years.

* Kentucky Tom handed out copies of his detailed Range Report which covered the projects completed in 2018 and the projected items for development in 2019. (Again, copies of the Range Report are available at the clubhouse for your review.)

* Tobin Kid introduced our new board member, Cap’n Dan. You may remember that Cap’n Dan resigned as president due to health issues but has turn the corner and will be back shooting with us in the spring.

* We discussed the operation of the 4th Saturday matches which will continue as a joint effort by Dusty Sometimes, Dove/Snake, Kentucky Tom and Copperhead/Runnin’ Rose.

* Foard County News addressed our outreach program for the following year which will include setting up at local sporting goods stores and Cubby mentioned the option of setting up at gun shows.

* Rattlesnake Blake explained the Long Range Shooting Matches which will occur the fifth Saturday of the month. The guns that we will be shooting are basically those that are shot at the annual matches. More information on this to follow.

* The Spirit of Coyote Creek Award this year went to Johnny Dollar who has spend countless hours updating our website.

* 2019 Competition Award:

Top Male Shooter - Logan Sackett

Top Female Shooter - Lady Gator

Clean Match Award, Male - Gator Bait

Clean Match Award, Female - Lady Gator and Soiled Dove

Middle Shooter Award - Cubby and Kentucky Tom (both with five months of being the middle shooter)

And the winner of the Category Competition Award with the monthly chits - Taco Bill, who received a new Bond Derringer.

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